Interview#39: @Keisyg2019

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Interviewer: Lil-Bird

Author: Keisyg2019

Lil-Bird: Alright! Let's begin our interview. First off, I'm Lil-Bird and I am your interviewer for today! Before we get into the questions, how are you today?

Keisyg2019: I'm doing great thank you, how're you?

Lil-Bird: I'm feeling a bit under the weather, but alright so far! Thank you for asking!

And the rest is history XDD

Q: Could you describe your writing journey in your book "Bittersweet Memories" using only 3 words?

A: Challenging but appealing

Lil-Bird: Could you tell us about it?

Keisyg2019: So, I first joined Wattpad right after high school but deleted my account. I then re-joined back in 2019. Funny story...I always thought Wattpad was an only reading app. So basically I came to know that I could also write and later last year, I started my book Bittersweet Memories. I had the ideas at the beginning so the flow of the story was great. But being a new writer is quite challenging.

Lil-Bird: I agree with that. It's really challenging to be a new writer, but you'll get used to it as time goes by ^^

Q: As we all know, you are the writer of this book, so I would like to know what is the strongest and weakest point of Kira that you want to let the viewers see?

A: Kira's strongest point is her determination and ambition. She has that zeal or devotion to succeed. Her weakness is self-esteem. She feels 'less than' right from the beginning.

Lil-Bird: Ah.. the self-esteem really is hard. I feel that 😞 But it's great to see that Kira is a strong woman as she continues to grow.

Keisyg2019: Yeah and her dream is to help others like her.

Lil-Bird: That's even better ☺️

Q: Who or what inspired you to write this story?

A: My inspiration came from my favourite novel genre I read, which is Romance but the normal cliche is of guys being rich and girls coming from humble backgrounds and I wanted to change that. You know my lead actor is the CEO. I also always wanted to do fashion and design.

Lil-Bird: Yup! I believe it was mentioned in Chapter 1 where she is the CEO of House of Alexa, was it?

Keisyg2019: Yeah ^^

Lil-Bird: Thank god! I tend to forget things easily these days...

Q: You mentioned that you have always wanted to do fashion and designs, other than that, does your book play a part in your life? How so?

A: It's not really part of my life but rather what I dreamt of becoming. I studied a very different field of study in college. So Kira is like the me I dreamt of becoming one day.

Lil-Bird: That's really cool. Sometimes, it's great to see someone living the life you have always wanted. I hope you'll still strengthen that passion of yours to do fashion ^^

Keisyg2019: I haven't given up yet and I'm still young, so hopefully one day I'll live my dreams.

Lil-Bird: I would love to see your clothing designs one day ☺️

Keisyg2019: I'll be sure to show them to you 

Lil-Bird: ❤️❤️❤️

Q: Do you have some of your traits added to your characters? If yes, what are these traits?

A: Yeah I am quite a great leader just like my main character, and I also love kids.

Lil-Bird: That's awesome! I admire those who can handle kids. It's tiring to see them all energetic XD

Keisyg2019: Yes, being with a kid can never wipe the smile off your face.

Lil-Bird: That's true. Just something about them smiling all of a sudden makes one person smile unconsciously XD

Keisyg2019: Yeah

Q: Do you have any visions or dreams you have for your book?

A: My visions for this book is to become an inspiration to young ladies out there. To let them know that all dreams are achievable no matter the challenges.

Lil-Bird: Yes to that!

Q:  What are the things you do before writing a new chapter?

A: I think about the flow of my story before starting a new chapter and I also check on suggestions and comments from my readers. You know you must please your audience with your work.

Lil-Bird: Oh I know XD

Q: What messages would you like to give to the readers and writers out there?

A: For the readers, I would like to say that they do such a great job in reading our book and it's appreciated. Also, there is an opportunity for them to also write if one is willing or interested. As for the writers, I would like to say that I know it's hard at the beginning but eventually, you get there. Just don't give up writing. And try writing as many genres as possible

Lil-Bird: Thank you for the message!

Q: Before we end this interview, I would like to ask my final question. What do you think of pineapples on pizza?

A: I can't even stomach it myself ^^ pineapple is my best fruit but not in pizza.

Lil-Bird: Weirdly, I find the taste yummy. People have different taste and opinions on food 😆

Keisyg2019: Yeah

Lil-Bird: And that's it for our interview! Thank you so much for entering your form in the community! I hope you have a nice day!

Keisyg2019: Thank you for the opportunity really. I enjoyed it. Thanks again

Lil-Bird: Your welcome❤️

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