Interview#25: @Just_Minah_

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Author: Just_Minah_

Interviewer: Lil-Bird

Q: Who or what inspired you to write this story "Of Roses and Thorns"?

A: I was home alone when the inspiration struck me. It's based on my experience in college. I just decided to write a book based on it. Some of the events in the book actually happened to me, while the rest is just pure fiction.

Interviewer: That's cool! Oh by the way. The questions are a mix of book questions and personal questions.

Just_Minah_: No problem.

Q: What is your favorite food in Nigeria?

A: Yam and Egg Sauce. I also love Jollof Rice but Yam and Egg is my favorite.

Interviewer: Yam is a meat right? Just out of curiosity >.<

Just_Minah_: No. It's like a potato

Interviewer: Oh right... I forgot. It's been a while since I heard about Yam.

Q: In the story, the female lead is a sucker for stubbles. How about you? What are you a sucker for?

A: *laughs* A little bit. I don't really like beards, but a well-trimmed face is sure to catch my attention.

Interviewer: Ooooo. ^.^

Q: What childhood memories do you still remember up to this date?

A: When I first tasted ice-cream, playing with a bowl full of water, when I fell ill and I had to be taken to the hospital

Interviewer: Oooo the first taste of ice cream! Now that is a great childhood memory :) I hope you were alright *worried face*

Just_Minah_: I know. I can never forget that! Yes.

Interviewer: That's good to hear. Now I want ice cream >_<

Q: In Chapter 1, we get to know that the female lead is a strong and independent woman! Whenever you see people who are like the female lead, what goes through your head?

A: They have probably been through a lot for them to be that way. Something might have broken them

Interviewer: Yeah... that's true. It's all about the situations they have experienced.

Just_Minah_: Yes.

Q: In the story, who has more of your personality?

A: No one. I haven't created the character, yet.

Interviewer: Ohhh. Okok.

Q: What message would you like to give to the readers and writers out there?

A: To the readers,

Please don't stop after the first chapter. Keep going. You don't know what's going to happen next by just assuming. Also, please vote and comment on the chapters. It really goes a long way.

To the writers,

Don't run out of ink. Don't run out of ideas! Your first book may not be great, but once you don't stop writing, believe me, you'll get better. Don't feel terrible when you see books with over a million reads and yours is still stuck at a hundred reads. It takes time and perseverance. Find a way to get better. Channel your energy to it and trust me, you'll love the results.

Interviewer: That's really a great message❤️

Q: And lastly, When you are asking for a review, are you prepared to receive harsh review if there are any?

A: Yes. With that, I'll know how to get better. What I need to improve on.

Interviewer: Alright! Our interview ends here! Thank you for checking out the Interview book! I hope you have a nice day❤️

Just_Minah_: No problem. You too!

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