Interview #8: @HeavenWellBird

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Today, xScarlet_Witchx sat down with HeavenWellBird for an interview to discuss one of her lovely books!

Q: What got you into writing?

A: Ooh, I like that question!! I have been homeschooled for almost all my life, so being at home all the time got me into writing when I finished school early, or when I was home alone, I would write to give myself company with story characters and random things I could come up with. 

Q: What helps you through writers block?

A: Wow, such good questions, um, what helps me a lot through writers block is going places, or taking a walk. I always carry sticky notes with me to write ideas down on, but looking at my surroundings and seeing other people gives me ideas. :)

Q: Do you have the ending planned out?

A: I do have an ending planned out (of course I can't say ;)) but yes, I do. :D

Q: Have you thought about a book 2?

A: I have thought about a book 2, yes... still trying to plan those details to see if I am going to go forward with that idea, but it is definitely a thought being considered. 

Q: Do you put any of yourself in the main character(s)?

A: Oh, I LOVE this question. I do. All of my characters, I make sure to have at least one character trait that I have, in them, because it helps me relate and build the characters knowing their perspective in certain things are the same as mine.

Q: Do you have a favorite character or are they all basically your children?

A: XD, They are all my children. LOL

Q: Have certain things that have happened in your life inspired or gone into scenes in the book?

A: Um... A little bit, yes. Only on small things, but they're there... so yes!!

Q: Who’s been your biggest supporter while writing?

A: Ooh, probably my dad, I mean so is my mom, they are both pretty equal in support, so... my parents, lol. Oh, and my cousins. They are very supportive also.

Q: Where do you usually write (your room, your backyard, your living room, etc), and do you listen to music while you write? If so, what artists?

A: I usually write in my room, or in my backyard... Usually my room, though. And music... Most definitely!! This is probably my fav question. The three main artists I listen to is Queen, Billie Eilish, and Lindsey Stirling... very different in genres, XD. But I love those people and their music sooooooo much!!

Q: If you could tell yourself anything when you were just starting to write this, what would it be?

A: Probably... wow, that question is good... probably, to be yourself no matter what question is asked or whatever you write, and don't be afraid of what you believe in and who you love. Wow, that was really cheesy, XD. I guess, its just like, I get judged a lot for liking the people I do, and listening to certain music, and saying something a certain way... so I would say, no matter what, say what you think is true and don't change your personality to fit someone else's... Ugh, again with the cheesiness, LOL. Oh yeah, and don't let pressure get to you. :D

Q: Lastly, do you have any advice for writers just starting out?

A: Ooh, yeah I would say this: 1.) Don't let pressure get to you and think of writing as something you do for fun, because it should be, lol. 2.) Write whatever you want. Whatever idea is in your head... Write it. Don't listen to other people who judge, because the only true person who is judging is the mind, the pen, and the paper... along with a computer, XD. 3.) I would go to the nearest Rite-Aid or 7-11 or Walgreens, or whatever store you have near you and buy your favorite candy and salty snacks... they are a great company during writing... along with music and headphones... Yeah, I'd say that's about it. :D

Q: Any parting words?

A: Yeah... My chihuahua says hello... and if you are a future writer, your book is awesome!! <33

It was great talking with you!! Also hi to your chihuahua :P

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