Interview#37: @9Worlds

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Author: 9Worlds

Interviewer: Lil-Bird

Q: Can you tell us all about your book "Intersecting Parallels"?

A: Yeah, so, to put it in a very concise manner, it talks about different concepts pertinent to society. With the growing demand of machines over manual work and how the new world copes up with the job crises that follow.

Q: Who or what inspired you to write this book?

A: I guess progressive Twitter did a good job of highlighting the wrongs in the system. There isn't a lot to talk about the origins since it's a pretty straightforward stab at what the future holds, so it's more of a gambling game than a serious idea montage.

Q: I started loving the book after reading the Prelude chapter. Tell me, do you have any dreams for this book? Like wanting to have a physical copy, or make a movie out of it.

A: Oh haha that's definitely a lofty ambition. I would love to have a physical copy of it though. I don't want to publish it since the world's got enough problems. I'd like to have a physical copy just for myself to look back and skim through it back and forth.

Interviewer: It really makes the writer's heart feel warm to have a physical copy of their work. Publish or not :)

9Worlds: Definitely yes.

Q: How long did it take you to write a chapter? You must be into science, to be able to write every word so smoothly.

A: Oh yeah. I do have commitments outside of Wattpad. Atop that, I have to scour the interwebs for details and refer to textbooks to be accurate with the information I put out. It's kind of an erratic schedule but if I were to solve for the average duration, it would probably take around a week or two to complete.

Interviewer: Oh wow. And those weeks of researching for details really are worth it. The book is amazing! *clap*

9Worlds: Thanks lol.

Q: If that were to happen in real life, training young children to be like an experiment, what would you think?

A: That would actually be cool. I'd love to participate in high energy stuff provided it doesn't pose a threat. The book talks about how people are driven by political power as well and how science takes over the whole country. Though it wouldn't happen in real life, I'd love to have some alternative version of that concept applied in schools. It'd really help with maths homework.

Interviewer: *groan* math homework. That's true. As long as it's not a threat, and no one was harmed.

9Worlds: Yeah. Absolutely.

Q: Out of all the characters in the story, who do you relate to the most?

A: There are a lot of characters I relate to. Luis is based on some of my extroverted characteristics and I can relate to Murthy on a cultural basis, since he's a character with an Indian heritage. And Quin, boy oh boy, he's a great guy. He's chatty and provocative and he's got a dry sense of humor that's similar to mine.

I find it easier to relate to Murthy the most since he represents the conglomerated mush of everyone in my class. He's pragmatic and to the point and often delusional.

There ain't a lot of characters in the Intersecting Parallels universe since all of them act the same way, yet it's their distinctive features and approaches that sets them apart. Personally I find it easier to write about them since their interests are quite easy to catch on.

Interviewer: Oh wow! It's nice to grab some of your classmate's personalities. Being around people really helps you think of some ideas.

9Worlds: Yeah it is. Some of my friends are real wackos.

Interviewer: HAHAHAHAH. Having friends like that makes life really fun and entertaining

9Worlds: It truly does.

Q: What did you learn when you wrote your story "Intersecting Parallels"?

A: A lot of sciencey stuff and the abstract field of pure sciences to be honest. Definitely was a, "thrown to the wolves" moment with everything thrown at my face. I guess it really motivated me to learn and understand certain things that I otherwise wouldn't learn in textbooks.

Interviewer: *laugh emoji*

Q: What is the meaning behind the title?

A: The meaning behind the title, from a mathematical aspect, is to try and intersect parallel lines, where the lines represent a computer's way of thought and a human's cognitive skill and this is just in theory, but converging those two lines would open up opportunities for people to work with machines side by side instead of being subordinates at the hands of these metallic circuit-beings. In a philosophical way, it's about achieving the impossible and conquering uncharted territories.

Since the X and Y axes meet at the origin on a graph, the name of this ambitious journey is referred to as the Origin Project.

The math appears to be more of a "way of thought" rather than a school subject.

Interviewer: Ooooo. So that's why Quin named the project "Origin Project". It definitely cracks a smile on my face when he says that it's easier to print it on a shirt.

9Worlds: Yeah. He's a guy who's into the corporate parts of this gig and often silently plugs in the merchandise shop in his blog.

Q: What kind of genre of tv series or movie you can't stand?

A: Ooh this is getting personal, isn't it? Well, I can't stand rom coms. It gets tedious and repetitive later and to be honest, people are just in it for the shipping culture and that's fair. But it just feels shallow at times and I can't bring myself to watch them.

Interviewer: Ofcourse! I can't only focus on the book now, can't I? I agree. It gets repetitive with the situations and etc. It really makes one's heart jump when the shipping happens.

9Worlds: Yeah. And all that fluff is fine. I had started out as a fanfiction writer and I still do write stuff like that sometimes and the shipping is great. I'd love it if the plot ran on par with the cheesy stuff. It would be a fine example of proportional writing.

Interviewer: Hahaha. true. :)

9Worlds: "Rom coms fill the silence really well. I'd just play some in the background as I work on stuff or just peruse through the exorbitant amount of such titles to pass the time.

Q: Can you describe yourself in 5 words?

A: Yikes. Five words? Well, all right. I'd probably go with a sentence instead. "I'm baryonic matter on Earth.

Interviewer: baryonic?

9Worlds: Basically organic, inorganic, almost all forms of matter that we know of.

Interviewer: Ohh. Okok.

Q: If you were given a choice to live with only 1 food for your entire life, what would it be?

A: I'm not entirely sure. I would want a balance of proteins and vitamins in my diet and overdosing on health supplements wouldn't do me any good. Maybe I'll settle in for packaged meals. We get a bunch of them here, back at home and they're easy on the taste buds. Technically, yes, it isn't just one thing, but collectively it is sold as units, so I'd probably get like tens and thousands of them.

And my tastebuds are acclimatized to stuff that I eat on a normal basis so it's gonna be hard to snack on one particular thing when my brain's just begging for a diverse platter.

Interviewer: And that concludes our interview! Thank you for entering your form in the Interview shop! I hope you have an amazing day!

9Worlds: Thank you so much for the opportunity! Take care!

Interviewer: Take care of yourself too!

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