Chapter 13- not answering

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It's been a week since i had my first day at school, got into a fight with my mom...again, told Jeremy the real reason why I hate my self and the source of my depression and self harm, and got into a fight with that bitch from school. I have been doing nothing expect lay in bed listening to music on low. I haven't eaten, been to school, or talk to anyone.

My phone buzzed for the millionth time . I turned off the thing where it let's people know I read their texts so I have been checking the messages I get just in case there was an emergency.

CHARLIE: are you okay you haven't been answering my texts please tell me your still alive.

JEREMY: hey did I do something wrong when I was over last time? I'm really worried about you.

NEIL: hey little bug! What's wrong? I miss you! :( please answer us jeremy has been walking in circles he can't focuse on our recordings he needs you I need you we all need you please don't leave us little bug :(

I smiled and laughed through my tears as I read through their messages.i had 16 missed calls from Charlie 20 missed calls from Jeremy 7 missed calls from josh, Alex and Kevin and 48 missed calls from Neil. I deleted all the missed calls and looked at my arm where the cuts were turning into scars now but they could be seen from a mile away. my legs healed yesterday and they weren't as noticeable.

I sighed and sat on my chair at my vanity. it's the first time I've gotten out of my bed for a week so I felt a bit dizzy and the fact I haven't eaten is also part if why I feel dizzy. Looking at my self in the mirror I saw red teary eyes, tear stained cheeks. my body looked smaller , I could feel my hip bones even though you can't see them. I know that you can't become anorex from not eating for a week but I'm sure I lost those 6 pounds and then some. I then got up and took the scale I hid, out from under the bed. I stood on the scale and the numbers gave me a shot of joy through me.


I lost 8 pounds I think. I was happy as long as I was under 200. I walked over to my closet after pushing the scale back under my bed and put on my red and black acid wash jeans.

"they're loose!" I said to my self. I jumped around my room in joy that my size 16s were loose.

"Maybe if I loose more weight I can go to a 14 finally." I changed out of the oversized sweater I was in and put on my black and red sleeping with sirens shirt. I put on different kind of bracelets. And then I put on my black toms.

I say back down and I brushed my hair and put on my usual makeup. I grabbed my keys and phone and walked out my door. I locked it and started to hesitantly walk away from it. today was Thursday and it was only 12 in the afternoon so Charlie wasn't out of school yet.

I don't know if I want to see the guys yet. I was walking on the side walk not looking at the house as best as I could but unfortunately the guys were just about to start practice with the garage open.


"Little bug?!"

I heard Jeremy and Neil come running out from the garage followed by josh Alex and kevin. the guys group hugged me to death.

"Where have you been why haven't you been answering us?!" They all shouted at once.

"There were things that I couldn't handle so I just locked my self in my room and shut out the world."

"Is that why we heard constant music?"

"I had it on low how did you hear it?!"

"We went to your room many times to
See if you were okay."

"You guys are sweet but yes I played music and I slept and cried that's all I did."

"You didn't eat did you?" Josh said making me look at the ground not saying anything.

"Your coming to eat with us!" Alex and Kevin said with their fingers up in the air.

They dragged me along to their car and we all piled in and they took me to eat.

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