Chapter 12- why?

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I sat down at the pizzeria and let out a deep breathe. I put my backpack on the table and took my phone out of my pocket. I looked at the time and it was 2 o'clock. I laid my head down on my bag and closed my eyes. I say there for a few minutes and decided I would go home. as I was walking I took my phone and turned ok the camera app and looked at the bruise and cut. the bruise was becoming a deep purple and a little bit of black. my lip was bleeding but it was going to dry soon so I didn't care.

I put my good over my head as I pasted Jeremy's house. I ran across my yard and unlocked my door. I shut it behind me and locked it. I say down at my vanity and set my bag next to my feet. I unzipped my bag and took out my smashed iPod. I unplugged my headphones and set them on my bed. looking at my iPod I felt anger come upon me but I calmed my self down.

"At least if wasn't my new iPod.."

i threw my smashed ipod in the trash bin next to my vanity and just went and laid on my bed. i was laying there for a few minutes before i had to pee so i went inside the house and went to the bathroom. after i finished my buisness i decided i would weigh my self since i didnt eat. looking at the number made me cry. i stepped off the scale and dropped to the floor. no one was home so i just let out my tears. i got up from the floor and frantically searched for a razor or some kind of blade.

i found my blade i hid in here when we first moved and slid the cold metal across my arm. i made a few slits and then wrote 'fat' on my leg and ugly on my other leg. i put the razor back where i hid it which was in the little crack behind the mirror.

i weighed 205. i gained 6 pounds since i moved here. i heard the front door open and close. i heard skyler humming and she just went to her room shutting the door. i took tissue and wiped up the blood from my legs and arm and put my sleeves down and pulled up my pants. i then checked the coast to be clear and i ran back to my room. i shut the door and just let my self fall to the floor. i ended up falling asleep where i had curled up to by my door.


i heard knocking on my door and a voice calling my name. i got up from where i slept and looked in the mirror. i wiped away the tears that didnt dry and made sure my sleeves were down. there wasnt really any point in trying to hide my bruise and busted lip. i checked the time on my phone and it was 3;30.



"what happened to you at school today?"


"dont bullshit me missy i got a call from your school saying you beat up someone!" my mom started to get mad. i got angry at her words because it sounds like she is on the girls side and not mine.

"you dont even know the damn story so just leave it alone."

"no i wont leave it alone because you beat up some kid you dont even know!"

i swung open the door letting the tears from me being angry and hurt fall down and i let her see the big ass bruise on my face and the cut on my lip.


"dont talk you didnt want to listen to me so im not listening to you! she pushed me down and caused me to have this so i gave her what she deserved i was minding my own buisness and she started shit with me so dont you fucking dare give me your two sense!" i yelled slamming the door in her face. i heard her walked away and slam the house door. a minute later i got a text from neil.

NEIL: hey is everything okay im at jeremy's and i heard yelling and doors slamming.

ME: just got into another fight with my mom thats all.

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