Chapter 31- i cant beilive this

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After josh showed us how Alex beat Neil's high score on some video game they were playing we went out to dinner.

We went to ihop. almost all of us ordered pancakes or omelets except me I really wanted waffles so I got some chocolate chip red velvet waffles with whip cream on top. I was drinking my orange juice when Kevin leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Don't you have something to tell us?" Knowing what he was talking about I choked on my juice and started coughing. Jeremy kept patting my back as I put my hand over my chest coughing until my eyes watered.

"Are you okay?!"

"Yeah Kevin just told me a funny joke that made my choke on my drink." I said between coughs and looked at Kevin. he got the message I was trying to tell him through the look and agreed with me.

"Omg girl congrats I'm so happy for you when are you going to tell Jeremy?"

"What?" I said gaining control over my body again.

"Cassey sent this to you what is she talking about?" I took my phone and saw the message from Cassey and had to think of something quick. I saw all the boys looking at me and I came up with it.

"Uh.. I umm.. M-My teachers told me I would be graduating with honors." I stuttered.

"That's awesome! I'm so proud of you babe!" He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I smiled nervously.

ME: I haven't told him yet but Kevin knows something every one else is oblivious to it just give me time..

CASSEY: you look like your already 3 months you can't keep it a secret forever

ME: I know I just need a little more time.

CASSEY: no your telling him tonight end if discussion.

I sighed and picked my head up as the waiter came to give us our food. the waiter was a guy who had light brown hair in a swoop his eyes were a light hazel color his skin was a little darker than mine so around Jeremy's color, he wore the IHOP work shirt some black skinny jeans with a blue apron on. he turned to me and smiled as he placed down everyone's plate. I smiled back politely and Jeremy just glared at him.

"And waffles for the pretty lady." he winked. I felt my face heat up and I looked down.

"That pretty lady has a boyfriend.." Jeremy said through gritted teeth. I smacked Jeremy's arm lightly.

"Sorry about him but yes I do have a boyfriend." I smiled.

"Oh sorry I should have guessed a girl like you would have a boyfriend." he smiled sadly. I nodded my head not making eye contact. he set down my plate and left.

"Waffles for the pretty lady." Jeremy mocked under his breath. the guys laughed.

"Someone's jealous." Alex sang.

"Shut up Alex." I said as I took a bite of my food.

"Fiesty!" Alex 'took a bite of the air' by clamping his teeth together and smirked. I reached behind kevin and smacked the back of his head making his face Smash into his pancakes that was doused in whip cream and syrup. when Alex lifted his head his face was covered in the toppings. every busted out laughing. I took my finger wiped in across his cheek and stuck my finger I my mouth cleaning it off.

"Sweet." I smirked when Alex looked at me after wiping his eyes. Jeremy chuckled and we continued to eat.

We went back to Jeremy's house and I told him I was going home and he started to whine.

"Come over later please.." he pouted his lip.

"Fine but I'm going to come over ratchet." I gave in.

"When don't you look ratchet?" Neil butted in. I picked up a pillow and threw at him making him fall off the couch. He stuck out his tongue and I kiss Jeremy before I left.

The Boy Next Door ( Jeremy McKinnon fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora