chapter 4-new friends

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when i woke up my back was really sore, well thats what you get when you sleep on hard wood floors. i straightened out my back and turned my torso on each side so i could crack it. i got up from the floor and folded my blankets and put them in the corner. i rubbed my eyes and looked to the side where rian was sleeping and i gently kicked him on the side and told him to wake up but he didnt get up. so i kicked him harder.

"get up!" i yelled a bit louder.

"ow!. what you want?" he coughed holding his side. i smirked to my self still rubbing my eye and walked into the closet and got out my makeup bag that had of course my makeup, my makeup wipes, and my toothpaste and tooth brush. i went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then i went back into the room grabbing a towel and some clothes.

"mom already turned on the water?"

" yeah we have water gas heat ac all of it the only things we need is wifi tv and a house phone."

"oh okay im showering."

"i need to get ready right now."

"yeah but you take all the hot water."

"i shower in cold."

"cool so i can shower before you." she said and was walking out of the room before i stopped him with my hand against his bare chest.

"i dont think so bucko im showering first."

"nice try little sister but im showering because i said so."

"no your not!" i said putting both my hands on his chest and planting my feet on the ground but he contiued to walk forward making me slide in my socks.

we were close to the bathroom room and i held onto my towel dropping my clothes and looked at the door and back at rian. he knew what i was thinking and we both booked it to the bathroom. of course i won being on the track team back home i was faster than him. i smiled to my self and locked the door and proseded to take my shower. after my shower i wrapped my towel around me and wiped the extra eyeliner and mascara that i didnt get off. i then redid my makeup as usual: eyeliner, mascara and chapstick.

i was removing my towel when i realized i dropped my clothes in the hall way when i was racing rian. i face palmed my self and opened the door with my hair still soaked i asked rian to get me my clothes that were in the hall way on the floor.

"these?" he said picking them up as he came into my line of view from the crack of the door i held opened.

"yes give them to me." i said holding out my hand.

"ah ah ah whats the magic word?" he said with an evil smile on his face.

"please." i said with a bitter tone.

"no." he said straight forward and walked away.

"rian?! rian where are you going with my clothes?!" after him not answering i just just tightened my towel and walked out of the bathroom.

"i have more clothes dumb ass." i said going to our room.

"i know." i turned my head to the front door where rian stood with my bag full of clothes.

"rian dont you dare!" i yelled holding my towel.

"you want your clothes go get them" he smirked as he stepped out of the door and went to throw them. i ran after him but i was to late by the time i got to the door.

"your such a fucking asshole!" i said hitting his chest.

"i know." he smirked and went back to the room. i looked through the screen door and back at the room and debated if i should just give up and get some of his clothes or if i should just get them real quick. i looked across the street and tried to see down the street to make sure if there were any people coming. i didnt see anyone so i slowly came out of the door and out to the middle of the yard. as i was picking my clothes i looked up to see if people were coming and i saw someone walking down the side walk. i didnt see who it was but i tried picking up my clothes faster holding them against my almost dry body but i heard foot steps coming up the grass.

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