Chapter 37- go to sleep

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It's been 3 days since I've been home from the hospital and had my beautiful annoying loud crying baby. every single night she cries for 30 minutes nonstop. I try to feed her she doesn't want it, I check her diaper most of the time it's fine, I rock her to sleep she stays awake crying. the only thing that helps her sleep is if I put on music and sing along with her against my chest and I stand swaying side to side. she won't let me sit or lay down when I'm trying to get her to sleep because she will just cry.

I'm so tired from having to wake up at midnight and staying up till 4am just to tend to jenna. even though Jeremy and I are engaged and have a baby I stay in my room at my house with Jenna while he stays at his house. everyone said that I can live with him but I'm not ready to leave my little bungalow just yet.  it's currently 8am and I still haven't gotten any sleep. I've been up since midnight and I just barely got Jenna to sleep about an hour and half ago. she usually wakes up if I try to set her down soon after she falls asleep so I'm just sitting a rocking chair we have in the main house in my batman pj pants and a black tank top sitting Indian style on the rocking chair holding Jenna as I let the music roam through the house.

"Aiden what are you doing up?" Skyler said worriedly

"I've been up since midnight. she won't let me sleep!" I cried out.

"Haha well now you know what is was like trying to raise you."

"Oh god I'm so sorry I caused you this much sleep deprivation."

"Yeah but you have to deal with all this staying up for a couple years then you can teach her the basics of being a human and what not." she said walking in the kitchen to make coffee.

"I don't know how much longer I can handle this it's been only 3 days."

"Have Jeremy take her or me and rian were not stupid you know."

"I never said that. I just don't want you guys grumpy because she wouldn't let you sleep."

"No your worse when it comes to sleeping so I'm worried you'll try to throw her out the window."

"She's my baby I wouldn't do that even though she makes me want to throw my self out the window."

"Haha don't do that please."

"No promises." I joked. after Skyler
Left for work Jeremy had called me.

"Hello?" I slightly whispered."

"I'm coming by in a little to see my two favorite girls."

"Okay jer but I swear to god if you wake her up I will fucking murder you."

"Okay okay I won't wake her up. sheesh you scare me."

"Good." with that I hung up slightly laughing.

I got up from the rocking chair and set Jenna down in the play pin and let her sleep. thank god she didn't wake up. I saw Jeremy walking up the yard with a bag and a drink in his hands. I opened the door and have him a kiss. he set the bag down on the counter and handed me a cup of coffee.

"You got me my favorite coffee?" I said in awe.

"Of course I feel bad my babe has to keep staying up because of our baby."

"I'm a mom now I have to get used to it."

"Yeah but I'm the dad I need to start taking care of our baby."

"If your willing to stay up for a while then be my guest." I said taking a sip. Jeremy pulled out two croissant sandwiches and handed me one.

"your the best." I kissed his check then ate my food.

"I know I am. but after you eat I want you get some sleep I will take care of Jenna."

"No I'll be fine you don't know how."

"Then tell me what I need to do and go to bed."

"No jer I'll be fine."

"Aiden you are going to sleep after you eat wether you like it or not." he said sternly.

"Yes sir!" I whisper yelled with a soldier solute.

"Good girl."

I finished eating and reluctantly went to my room and went to sleep. as soon as my body felt the comfort of my bed I was out like a light.


Aiden went to bed and I'm alone in the house watching tv and finishing my food.

"Okay this should be easy I mean she is asleep after all." I said to my self. When I sat down the remote fell on the wood flooring making a loud thump. I froze and looked at Jenna who was still sleeping. I let out a breathe and picked up the remote. I went and laid my arm
On the arm rest but knocked over 3
TV dinner stands one after the other. soon after that I heard crying.

"Fuck." I got up and took Jenna out of the play pin. I bounced her up and down but she still cried.

"Ummm what do I do?!?" I panicked. a light when on in my head and I started singing you had me at hello.

"I'm missing you so much, I'll see you die tonight
Just so I can get to you before the sun will rise
I know the signs are on and I feel this too
None of that ever seems to matter when I'm holding you

And I'm wasting away, away from you
And I'm wasting away, away from you

What have I gotten into this time around
I know that I had sworn I'd never trust
anyone again but I didn't have to

You had me at hello.

I've never seen a smile that can light the room like yours
It's simply radiant, I feel more with everyday that goes by
I watch the clock to make my timing just right

Would it be okay?
Would it be okay if I took your breath away?

And I'm wasting away, away from you.
And I'm wasting away, away from you.

What have I gotten into this time around
I know that I had sworn I'd never trust
anyone again but I didn't have to
You had me at hello

You gave me butterflies at the mailbox
You gave me butterflies at the mailbox
You gave me butterflies at the mailbox
You gave me butterflies at the mailbox

You gave me butterflies
at the mailbox
What have I gotten into this time around
I know that I had sworn I'd never trust
anyone again but I didn't have to
You had me at hello
You had me at hello
You had me at hello"

By the time I reached the end of the song she was asleep curled up against my chest. I sighed and went and sat down with her. she ended up waking up and crying again.

"Oh my god."
I bounced her as I walked around the house singing to her and I finally got her asleep again. I sat in the rocking chair still singing softly and rocked back and forth. sooner than I thought me and my baby girl were sleeping. she was curled up against my cheat and I had my arms around her protectively.


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