chapter 1-moving

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i was listening to my favorite band a day to remeber on my blue tooth speaker that is connected to my blue iphone 5c. as i was singing along to the song violence i was packing up my clothes so we can load it into the moving truck. i wasnt mad about moving across the country into a place ive only known of because my idol was born and raised there. ive been buliled and harmed here and i want to get away from it all and start over. my school year is almost over anyways and my parents knew that when i turned 18 and had the money i was going to move out to ocala anyways so they are just cutting down the cost of me moving. 

"aiden hurry up mom is waiting for you to bring down the rest of your clothes!" my brother rian yelled from across the hall. in this house my brothers room was right across from me and my sister skyler was right next door. all my siblings which is the two and my self are into the punk/emo/scene style so we all look different but the same and im the youngest at age 19 rian is 20 and skyler is 22

i closed the box and carried it down stairs to my beautiful mother. she had long blonde hair a tiny figure soft white skin bright green eyes and the kindest personality. 

"about time.'' she joked. i rolled my eyes and went back up stairs. i laid on the floor listening to my music and closed my eyes singing the words to all i want out loud. 

"keep your hopes high and head down low!" skyler came running in yelling and jumped around singing. i laughed and got up and did the same and soon enough rian came in and saw me and skyler singing and jumping and shook his head taking my phone in his hand and changed it to reicarnate by motionless in white.  

we all looked at each other started head banging and jumping screaming at the top of our lungs to lyrics of the song. 

"kids shut off that music and lets go!" we groaned when we had to give up our rare good sibling moments. i disconnected the bluetooth and put the small speaker in my bag and put my headphones in my phone and my charger in the phone so i could charge it in the car. i followed my sister and rian followed me down the steps out to the car. 

"skyler come with to drive the moving truck."

"why cant rian do it?!" she whined and i just laughed looking at rian who looked appaled.

"because i want you to come with me."

she dragged her self to the truck and me and rian got in the silver suv car and i connected my phone so i could charge. 

rian put the radio on and was listening to chris brown and i was listening along with him but i go tired of pop songs and started to listen to adtr again turning on the song city of ocala. i thought it was perfect for this road trip. i soon ended up falling asleep.


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