Chapter 9- surprise!

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"Aiden. Aiden get up. Aiden get yo ass up!" Roan said as he smacked my ass.

"Ow! What the hell?!"

"Get up I have to show you something."

"Can't it wait till later?"

"It's already 12 in the afternoon and Charlie already came bye a few minutes ago to see if you were up yet."

"Did you let him in?"

"Yeah he is waiting in the living room he already knows what me and mom are going to show you."


"Yes mom now get up."

"I don't want anything that mom was involved in."

"Come on she is trying to make things right."

"Nothing will ever be made right for what she has done!" I said as tears streamed down my face. rian sighed and walked out of the door. soon Charlie came into the room and sat on my bed.

"Smiles come on if you won't come see the surprise for rian or your mom see it for me and please try and forgive her at least she is trying to make things right my mom doesn't try or give a shit. that is the whole reason why I went to church because I needed an escape and someone to rely on weather if people put me down for it or didn't believe."

"I don't know if I can charlie.."

"Please.." He rubbed my leg and kissed my cheek. I held my hand to where his lips once were and I felt my heart sped up. could I be catching feelings for Charlie? I couldn't he is my best friend and I love Jeremy even though he probably doesn't feel the same because I'm just a kid to him...

I pulled the covers off of my self and felt the warm air of the house against legs. I forgot I had out on shorts when I went to sleep last night. I put on my black ankle socks and walked hand in hand with Charlie outside.

"Why are we going outside?"


"Don't shhh me." I playfully said in a ghetto girl tone.

"Haha just close your eyes." I closed my eyes and put my other hand out to feel around me and then I was picked up.

"AHHHHH Charlie let me down!" I said as I hung on to him for dear life.

"Are you sure?"

"Don't drop me!" I said as he faked dropped me.

"We are here anyways open your eyes." he said as he set me down.

I opened my eyes and we stood in front of the little house shed thing in the back of my house.

"The shed thing is that it?"

"Yeah but that's not all."

"You painted it black?"

"I didn't do it alone."

I raised an eyebrow figuring it was my brother and mom. Charlie opened the door and and my brother and mom yelled surprise making me jump and do a scared karate position and rian and Charlie fell to the floor laughing.

"Surprise!" My mom said holding her hands together waiting for my reaction.

I looked around the room and they had gotten me all new room stuff. ( I will put the picture of the room at the top/ side because I am really horrible as describing it )

"You guys did all this?" I said turning to rian and Charlie completely ignoring my mom.

"Well we helped but all the credit goes to mom." rian said turning me around by my shoulders. I walked up to her and have her a very awkward hug. she was shocked and was tense and then warmed up to it as did I.

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