Chapter 16- day 12

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It's been 12 days since rian has been in the hospital and I've stayed here 24/7. Jeremy and the guys have tried to get me to leave the hospital grounds but they give up, Charlie has been visiting and trying to get me to go back to school because he said when he went by my house to get things for me he said he saw a note saying that if I don't show up to school Monday I will be kicked out my mom will be fined. and skyler said that she wants to visit but she can't because she would just end up crying I mean don't get me wrong she has come to see him but not long enough to be a visit.

Oh and the bad thing is rian hasn't woken up yet and they said if he doesn't wake up soon they are going to have to pull the plug because he might already be dead.

"Knock knock?" Jeremy said coming in smiling. I got up from the couch they had in the room and ran to Jeremy hugging him. he didn't put his arms around me due to him carring two
McDonald's bags in one hand an a carton of two drinks in the other.

"I thought they didn't serve food till the afternoon?" I said tilting my head.

"That's why I got breakfast. I know it's not the healthiest thing but it's something."

"Oh it's fine you've been bringing me food almost every other day." I said kissing his cheek. we sat on the couch and I laid my head on his chest. I was on my phone eating and Jeremy was watching what I was doing while he ate.

"You know we never made it official."

"Made what official?"

"Us the dating thing...unless you don't want to date me?..."

"No it's not that I just thought it was since I kissed you and all but I guess with every thing that has been going on I guess I never got the chance to ask you out."

"Oh well okay you can ask me when
You ready."

"Will you go out with me?"

"No." he nearly choked on his orange juice and looked at me sad. I tilted my head back and smiled.

"I'm just kidding of course I will!" I lifted my head up and kissed him laying my head back down on his lap.

"Charlie!" I yelled getting up and running to Charlie who was coming through the door.

"You brought gifts?!"

"Yeah for your brother when he wakes up."

"If he wakes up.." I mumbled.

"Aiden can I speak with you alone?"
He looked at Jeremy and Jeremy for up and left.

"What is it?"

"Listen god spoke to me in a dream..."

"Charlie it was a dream.."

"Will you just hear me out?"

"Go ahead."

"He told me that your brother will awake if you ask god to wake him...but you must turn over a new leaf you can't just ask god and return to hating and disbelieving in him."

"I told you Charlie I don't believe in him besides that you said it was a dream and dreams don't come true!"

"But this was more than a dream!"

"Please just go your making this worse on me and skyler by giving us false hope." he set the gifts down my rians bed and left.

"What happened?" Jeremy said to me as he came back in.

"Charlie was just rambling on about how god told him that rians going to wake up when he knows I don't believe in god. I mean of he is supposed to be a loving and caring god why had he put me through all this shot between my parents splitting up and my mom not caring about me and my siblings to my dad not even calling us after he left to my self harming, where was he in all of that?!"

"Aiden calm down I do believe in god and I know things like that can put you off but things happen for a reason. and one reason I know is that he out you through stuff like this to make you stronger and it has."

"I don't know I just don't want false hope in something that won't even happen,"

"If god told Charlie it will then it will." he kissed my forehead and left. I sat on the couch and put my head down.

"Excuse me are you family of rian Parker?"

"Yes I'm his sister."

"I'm his doctor ms.porter, um I'm informed that he had been in here for 12 days already for what appears to be a drug and alcohol overdose?"


"Um I'm really sorry but they think it's best if we pull the plug.."

"What?! No! You can't do that!"

"I'm sorry but at 11am we have to do it..."

"But that's only 15 minutes!" She said nothin and left closing the door. I dropped to my knees and cried

"I don't know how to do this really.. I've only seen people do this on tv or in movies... but I'm think I was suppose to say dear god or something... but it's me aiden Parker I come to you because my brother...he uhh he's taken drugs and he won't wake afraid he is dying or is dead I-I don't know which but please please I beg of you to spare him.. I really need him in my life I don't know what would happen if he was gone forever.. I know you have people with bigger needs and I haven't really shown you affection or showed that I believe in you all I did was say I hated you because of how my life was but please this is all I ask of you... If your there please show me!" I say there on the floor crying until they showed up to take rian off life support.

"No I still have 5 minutes!" Two male nurses held me by my arms as I watched the doctors pull the plug.


I screamed as I heard the long ring of beep signaling my brothers heart stopped. the nurses dropped me and I fell crying again. the nurses and doctors began to walk out.

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