Chapter 14- a aiden to remember

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They took me to Wendy's and we sat down in a booth. Across from me Kevin was near the window, Neil was in the middle and josh was on the outside. on my side Alex was near the window I was in the middle and Jeremy was on the outside.

We say there for a few minutes talking when I went one phone and was looking through my Instagram.

"Little bug what are you doing?"

"Huh ? Oh I'm just on Instagram.." I said looking intensely at my phone.

"Oh what's your Instagram?!" They all looked at me while getting their phones out.

"Uhh I'm not telling you all I will say is that I'm following each of you."

"But we have a lot of followers how are we going to find you?"

"Figure it out." I smirked. they all looked at each other and tried to take my phone out of my hand.

I squirmed trying to get my phone in my shirt so they won't take it. just as I was about to drop it into my bra Neil grabbed it from my hand.

"Awe!" He said laughing.

"What?" Jeremy asked looking confused. I put my head down trying to hide my face.

"Her Instagram name is and her name she put is Jeremy mckinnons girl!"

"Give me my phone back!" I said grabbing my phone and standing on the booth and jumping out from the table and walked outside.

I was mad and sad at the same time because I didn't tell jeremy I liked him and that just gave it away completely.
My stomach started to growl.

"Oh hush you! I don't need your back sass!" I yelled to my tummy.

"Talking to your stomach?" I turned around to face jeremy.

"Jeremy I'm sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of the guys i..."

I was cut off when Jeremy came closer to me put his hands on my shoulders and kissed me.
My eyes were wide open and let I relaxed and kissed him back. I took his hands off my shoulders and lead them down to my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hey aid I got you some food!" Josh yelled at the door making Jeremy break the kiss only to leave me wanting more.

"Guys they kissed!" Josh yelled looking inside the restaurant.

"whooo!!" i giggled blushing and looked away. jeremy blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.  

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