chapter 7- secrets

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charlie and i had just finsihed singing and dancing to reicarnate by motionless in white and my mom's white suv just pulled up. i watched them through the window and they came in but didnt say a word to me or charlie. i shrugged it off and we went to my bedroom. i heard the door close so i figured rian went to go smoke out back.

"so why dont you like your mom?" charlie asked as we sat on my bed.

"there were some things she has done that i cant forgive her for.."

"well god forgave us with all the shit we do.."

"i dont belive in god."

"what how come you dont?"

"well my family never really went to chruch and my parents were really the christian type."

"you dont have to be any type to go to church i mean look at me people think i worship satan because of my music and the way i look."

"yeah i guess so but i dont know."

"come on come to church with me next sunday i promise it will fun."

i nodded kinda excited to go. we ended up laying on my bed in cuddled form and just talked about life.

"so when are you going to hang with jeremy?"

"i dont know he said tomorrow but i want to go to church with you."

"you would give up jeremy for church?"

"well i mean i dont know i love jeremy but i dont know when i will get the oppertunity to go to church again my mom is only letting me have so much freedom with out her consent."

"yeah your right."

"well its close to 5 do you want to see if he is home?"

"but i like hanging out with you."

"dude you live here now we will be seeing a lot of each other trust me."

"okay thank you your the best!" i said wrapping my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek." we got off my bed and i went into my closet picking out an a day to remember jacket and my favorite sleeved a day to remember band shirt because it gets cold at night. i put on some black ankle socks and my black vans again. i grabbed my purse and put my wallet and phone and everything that i needed into it and headed out of the door with charlie.

i hugged charlie bye and continued to go up the cement walk way that lead to jeremy's front door. i knocked 3 times before someone answered at the door was josh another band memeber from a day to remember.

"hi neil is jeremy here?"

"how do yo- your a fan arent you?.."

"yes but also a friend of jeremy if i was just a crazy fangirl i dont think i would be this calm around you or this house hold."

"its true man you should have seen her when she found out i was her neighbor." jeremy said coming up behind josh and laughed. my face heated and became red.

"awe shes blushing!" neil pointed out.

"come on inside aiden." jeremy invited me in.

i stepped inside and it did definately look like how a guys house would look like minus a lot of messiness. the house was pretty clean and the walls were plain off white with some family pictures on some walls and the couches were a dark blue set and the floor was a beige carpet. we all took a seat on a part of the couch.

"so is it just you guys or are the others here too?" i asked breaking the silence.

"yeah the other guys said they were on their way." neil spoke up.

"so aiden whats up?" jeremy asked me

"oh nothing i just wanted to hang out since tomorrow im going to church with charlie."

"oh cool i hope you have a good time."


"are you uncomfortable?"


"trying not to fangirl still?" neil asked trying to hold back a laugh as i nodded my head.

"dude i think we are her favorite band."

"every thing on you is our band."

"yeah i guess you can say im obbessed with your guys band..."

"that so cute i hope you wont kidnap us."

"no promises." they both laughed and i laughed along.

"but seriously dont you ever get tired of wearing a lot of adtr merch?"

"nah this shirt is my favorite out of all 25 band shirts i have."

"what other bands do you like that you have a shirt of?"

"well there is to many bands to name but i have one of each shirt for every band except for adtr that i have like 4 pairs of in different styles plus the jacket." they stared at me in awe as i told them about my obbssesion with bands.

"im surprised your not tired of music."

"its the only i really had until i met charlie and now i met you guys in person.. before i moved here no one cared about me i had no one my brother and sister and i always fought with each other i mean my brother and i didnt fight as much as me and my sister but it was still bad my mom was always out fucking some other guy and my dad couldnt take any of the bullshit any more so he left and my depression and suicidal- never mind i should go its getting late."


"thanks for letting me hang out bye guys." when i got up both of the boys stood up the same time and held me back from going out the door and while neil held my body jeremy pushed up my sleeves reaveling the most vulnurable part of me. i broke down crying i couldnt put my hands to my face because of where neil was holding me at but i just let my tears fall.

i then felt warmness against my wrist and when i opened my eyes i saw through blurred vision from crying jeremy's soft lips on my cuts.

"please dont cut again your life is way to precious to do this."

"you get a lot of fans like this its no different." i tried wiggling free but neil just held me tighter.

"i feel like your my best friend aiden your like my little bug i dont want to loose you now." neil said laying his head on my shoulder. i started to cry again. when neil let me go and jeremy hugged me for a long time and i just embraced it. after that they made me tell them my story and started where i left off.

"well i became suicidal and depressed with severe anxiety because of my dad offing himself. my mom was never home anymore not like she was before but after that i barley even saw her. my sister went out party with her friends all of the time my brother started smoking and i had no friends no one by my side i was bullied beaten and take advantage of. so i resorted to cutting at first it was only one and it hurt and i said i wouldnt do it again but after another one i just kept going and soon became addicted like i am now. my mom is trying to make up for what she has done but i cant forgive her i just cant everything is still broken and nothing is fixed nor working anymore so whats the point she is the only one trying because we could have a couple of hours as a happy family as soon as someone says something and someone takes it wrong all hell breaks loose."

they just sat there and listened to me as i poured out my heart telling them everything i havent told anyone my family still doesnt know i cut. i saw tears brimming neil's eyes and i walked over to him and held his face telling him to not cry and he smiled hugging me saying that it just means he cares. i spent 2 hours with neil and jeremy and then tom kevin josh and alex showed up and then i spent 2 more hours with them. everyone seemed exactly how i thought they would be funny sexual and friendly. my day couldnt have been any better.

The Boy Next Door ( Jeremy McKinnon fanfic )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant