chapter 28- all signs point to lauderdale

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It's been about a month and a half since the boys have been away in Cali and Arizona. they should be back any day now.

"Open up ugly!" Cassey knocked- banged on my door. I smiled excitedly and ran to my door.

"What's up butt munch?!" I engulfed her into a hug and we let go after a few seconds.

"I just need to change and we can go to school. you don't mind if I change in front of you do you?"

"I'm gay aiden not a sex pig." She laughed and I just rolled my eyes. I was lifting up my oversized batman t shirt.

"I think I'm getting chubby I haven't be exercising that much lately."
I poked and jiggled my belly. now that I think about it my weight isn't bothering me as much as it used to.

" your beautiful and me and Jeremy like our girls with a little extra junk in the trunk." she winked. I pushed her back by her shoulder.

"Anyways have you talked to Jeremy?"

"Yeah I have been almost everyday now."

"Do you know when he is coming home?"

"No they said their flight keeps getting pushed back but they should be home definitely next month."

"Man and to think we all wanted to be famous and tour at one point or another in our lives."

"Yeah but I think after high school I'm going to peruse my career in makeup."

"That's awesome speaking of which can you do my makeup for prom?"

"Of course! I thought you'd never ask!" Her question made me happy actually. when people ask for my help and want or need me around makes my life somewhat better.

"So have you came up with a plan yet?"

"Yeah I have but I don't know if I should go through with it."

"No you need to! They deserve it!"

"I know but there is so much going on these days I don't know how much more I can handle."

"Well I need to know if we are going through with it by tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?"

"Um it's wednsday I think."

"Okay that's gives me at least 2 days to get everything set."

"So we are doing it?"

"Yeah but we need more help.." I smirked evilly.

"Who do we need to call." she smirked back.

"Every one they have ever messed with."

She nodded and we got our back packs to go to school.

"I'm glad we have a late start today."

"Me to. but we need to talk to people at lunch today and tell them the plan."

She nodded and I told her every detail. basically our plan is to get our revenge on Mandy and her so called friends Malerie and luna. I came up with this when I was rewatching the music video to all signs point to lauderdale. that is my favorite song and video from adtr. I wanted my plan to go exactly how it was in that video because besides getting beaten up by the girls they would force me to his them my money or the food I brought or any other thing they could think of. it's one of the main reasons why I only keep my pencils and notebooks in my back pack because they will dump everything to find something.


It was lunch time and Cassey Charlie and I have already talked to at least 60 people.

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