17 - Bus Trip Home.

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"Charlie, I need you to come to my office right now please." I looked at Mr Chelsea confused. What is wrong with him.
Walking into the giant ass office I frown at Natalie's head facing away from me. 'What the hell has she done?'
"Now Charlie take a seat please, we need to discuss this situation. Now it would obviously be better for all of us if Emma was here but as she isn't we are just going to have to sort it out between you the two of you, for now." What was the old man going on about?
I look over to Natalie and she has a cut on her lip and a very innocent look on her face. I look at her impressed, she has some creativity, I'll give her that.
"Now Charlie, can you explain to me why Natalie looks like this?" I shrug.
"I have no idea. I thought this was your natural beauty?" Mr Chelsea looks at me warningly.
Then it clicks, I was meant to have done that.
"What? You think I did that?" I ask, pointing to her face. He raises his eyebrows as if asking me why not.
"Well, why else do you think I'm here Charlie?" He asks me. I sigh and rub my head.
"Seriously Natalie. What do you think you're doing?" I look at her and she pouts.
"I deserve answers, Charlie." She says. I look at Mr Chelsea hoping he could see my side.
"Do you seriously believe her? You have known me since I was seven, are you seriously taking her side over mine. Since when did you even believe I was violent?" He looks at me more convinced.
"Why the hell are you at this school then if you're not violent?" Natalie asks. I raise my eyebrows and gesture between us.
"Alright I've heard enough, there simply no getting out of this, Charlie you will need to go to detention this week, I will talk to Ms Breslin when she gets back at the end of the week. You can both leave now."

"I told you to watch your back, Charlie." I glare at her as we walk out of Mr C's office.
"What do you want Natalie?" 
"What do you think? I want you, I want you to be with me and not that skinny little slut that you're pretending to love." 
"I'm not pretending, why are you so obsessed with being with me?" I didn't realise I was such a catch in this school, she'd never paid any attention to me before.
"Hah, obsessed is one word I guess. The other would be willing to do anything for the sake of a little humiliation." I frown at her words, what was she talking about? "Let me tell you a little secret Charlie, I think this might change your mind a little." 
She leaned in close to me, I could smell her perfume. 
Then she continued to tell me something I'd hope no one would ever find out.


I know its illegal in this house, but I really don't give a fuck.
I walk into Nez's room and curl up into bed with her, resting my face in her hair. Wow, it smells amazing, again. How do you get this great smelling hair?
"Hey, you okay?" She looks up at me.
"Yeah." I lied, I've never been able to lie. I'm shit at it.
"Babe. You can tell anything you know okay? Anything."
"Yeah, I know Nez." I give her a smile, but its cracking at edges. I kiss her quickly and say goodnight, pulling her close. If only I could tell you, Nez. But this is different, this is very different.
I couldn't ever tell anyone this.
I couldn't sleep. I just kept hearing Tom's taunts in my head. I was glad he did it after Em left. Dickhead. If I was there any later, I don't even know what he would've done to Emma.
'Is she as slutty with you as she was with me?' He laughed at us. I felt her shrinking away next to me, I knew she wanted to sink into the sand and never have to come back.
'Or has she turned frigid like her friend? Have you Nezzie? Have you?'
'Fuck off Tom.' She yelled at him, strong and powerful.
'Have you seen her pussy yet?' and that's when I snapped. Sorry Em.
I punched him in the face three times. I broke his nose and gave him a black eye. He punched me back and nearly broke my nose too. Fuck. There shouldn't be people like him in this world, and he shouldn't be anywhere near people like Nez. She's special. She deserves so much better than scum like him.

Scum like him. Scum like me. I watch her sleeping. Gently breathing. Fuck she's so beautiful. I don't know what she sees in me. I really don't. Especially after what I did. I pull her close to me. Tonight, no one is going to hurt you, baby. No one.
"I love you," I whisper to her. I thought she was asleep.
"I love you too Connor. I love you too." She kisses my chest and goes off to sleep. She really shouldn't be with someone like me.

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