15 - Boyfriends...So Vulnerable.

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~Jack for all of you out there!~


Thank you, Mr Chelsea, you made my holidays. Putting me and Charlie together to 'bond' was a great idea, now we get to spend time together.
"Well, I have to go, love you." He was just finishing up his call with the bitch of a girlfriend.
"How is she?" I ask, he frowns at me.
"Why do you care exactly?"
"I don't, I was just making conversation."
"Listen up Natalie, I don't like you, nobody else does either, so stop trying! The only reason I'm here with you right now is that I have to be, not because I want to be."
"Okay, woah there horsey. Who stuck a stick up your ass?" He was clenching his fists now, just what I wanted. I smirked at him and walked closer.
"You are such a bitch; just go, leave me alone." He sits on his bed and raises his eyebrows. Expecting me to do exactly what he says.
"Oh, but you don't want that Charlie...do you. Especially with what I know." I walk over, making myself look innocent.
"You need to leave now." His fists were turning white. He was way too easy to tease.
"Calm down Charlie, I'm going...I'm going." I walk out and smirk, he's in my trap now. I walk into my room and into my bathroom.
I splash water on my face and my mascara runs, I cut my lip and rub my cheek until it's really red.

Walking into Mr Chelsea office I start sniffling.
"What happened Natalie?" He asks rushing over.
"Charlie...he - he slapped me cause I brought up his...Emma...I didn't mean it. I was angry at her...she...she..." I burst into tears. I knew how to work my way into a man's heart.
"What did she do? Natalie, tell me." I look up, he has a mix of confusion and sorrow in his eyes.
"She's threatening me, Mr Chelsea, she said to keep away from Charlie otherwise she would hurt me, I mentioned it and Charlie got angry saying she would never do that and then he slapped me when I insisted that it was true." I cry again.
"Shh, it's okay I will bring him in, go to the nurse to get that checked." I nod and smirk. My plan has worked, I go back to my room and go to bed, tomorrow is going to be a long day.


"Who is that?" I ask Ines, as Lily and Em keep talking to the mysterious guy.
"Who knows. Those girls could know Barack Obama for all I know." I smile and look back at the guys.
"Yeah! Oh my god, how you been?" Lily says, looking very excited.
"Hang on. Who are you?" I ask.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Jack. This is Rhys Baker. He used to come to our school, he was actually my roommate when I was, oh, about ten?"
"Wow, small world," I say. Roommate, huh?
"So, you still obsessed with the Veronicas?"He asks her.
"Shut up. I was eleven, it's not my fault." She says slapping his arm.
"Excuses, excuses. Friends?"
"Do I still think It's the best TV show in the world? No, but I still think it's a bloody good show. What about you? You look exactly the same."
"Really? I've been trying to work off all the puppy fat."
"Oh, come on. You were never chubby. But you look amazing, and I'm being rude. Jack, this is Rhys Baker, Rhys, Jack Harper, my boyfriend. We're staying with him and his sister on, uh, Hamilton Road. We should get together!"
"Yeah, that'd be great. Can I have your phone for a minute?"
"Sure." She hands him her phone, and he puts in his number.
"My brothers and I are staying on Thomas Street. Come round some time, Yeah?"
"Course. It was great to see you, and we still have a lot to catch up on!"
"You bet. I'll see you around." She waves goodbye and they head off of the bus.

"So, gonna tell me what that was about?" I ask, getting a little annoyed.
"Oh, Rhys was my best friend, but his parents pulled him out because he moved. I can't believe I saw him, I'd actually forgot about him for a while. Hey, would you guys mind maybe all of us getting together sometime soon? I haven't seen him for ages and I really need to catch up. I think you guys would like him."
"Yeah, of course. I met him on the plane, he's a really cool guy." Emma's smiling. Does she like him?
"Uh, yeah. If you want." I answer, feeling sinking in the pit of my stomach. The rest of the ride basically goes with Lily telling the rest of us how amazing Rhys was.
"We're here," Ines says from the front seats. I hop out and walk down the hall to my room.
"Babe? Are you going to bed already? It's like, nine." Lily asks confused.
"Yeah, bit tired. Hope you have fun though. See you in the morning." She looks a bit confused. I'm a shit liar. I kiss her goodnight and for a minute I forget about all the bad things going on and just think about her. I wish there weren't any obstacles in this stuff. I wish there wasn't any Reeces or Matts or Natalies in the world because they make this shit so damn complicated.
"Night babe," I say after her. I love you.

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