25- Nothing Is Ever Easy.

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I don't know how I sat through the whole movie. I wanted to deck someone. I wanted to break all the china bowls in the kitchen. I was so angry. Like always I guess. Stupid Taylor. Thinkings he's so fucking cool.
"What?" I sit up, pulling out my earphones.
"Seriously how can you listen to Linkin Park at this time?" I glare at Connor.
"Do you want anything?"
"Can I use your shampoo." As long as I don't get sick from your germs. I sounded like a ten-year-old. I nod and lie back down but soon I'm thinking of Ines. In her Tintin shirt she was wearing that makes me tingle all over, and how good her arse looked in her jeans, and how her hair is always perfect. Fuck. Time for a walk.

Lily's door is open a crack when I walk past I catch her fiddling with the scab on her cheek. Gee thanks guilt. Now I'm going to talk to her.
I stand outside her door awkwardly.
"Yes Matt, you can come in. I won't kill you. Possibly."
"Oh. Uh, hi. I thought I should say sorry again. For carving your face up. I'm so, so, so, sorry."
"It's fine. Sometimes scars are sexy."
"That is a pretty sexy scar." It was pretty fucking sexy. Maybe Lily is sexy. If you block out her head, and maybe put her in some tight-fitting clothes and a push-up. Yeah, she's pretty good.
"Yeah?" Yeah, she has some really nice jugs.
"Eyes on the face, sweetie." She motions to her head. Shit, she saw. "Now, what did you want to ask me?"
"I wanted to ask you something?"
"Yep. I can tell. I have known you for a while, I know that face. Something's bothering you. Ines again?" I sighed. It annoys me how chicks know everything.
"Yeah." I sigh. As fucking sexy as she is I really don't think I can be bothered to keep chasing her. "Really I don't think I can be bothered to chase her anymore. She and Taylor are going to get married or some shit, and she's like crazy about him and I really don't see why. But yeah. I guess. Its time to move on?" Since when was I so sappy? Bloody hell Matt.                                                          "Dude, the relationships you have in high school aren't the relationships you have forever, even if that's how it looks."
"Yeah, whatever. They'll probably get married anyway. This is a really weird conversation. I'm going to leave. Uh, thanks, I guess.
"No problem, and by the way, Matt..." She shouts as I walk out the door.
"Sometimes people love the idea of a bad guy gone good. Don't give up. But if you hurt her again, I will kill you." She gives me a cheery smile. Great. I shut her door and keep walking down the corridor. I wonder if there's a pool here? Would it still be open? What time is it?

Caught up in my thoughts, I miss the hot greek chick on her phone and walk right into her.
"Oh my god." I help her up off the floor. Wow, she's really hot. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?"
"Fine. Sorry. That was totally my fault." Her voice was musical and sweet. She had olive skin and long, dark curly hair, that was wildly falling over her shoulder. Holy shit this chick is beautiful.
"I'm Matt. I'm so sorry."
"Cara. Please, don't worry about it." She smiles at me. "I, um, actually have to go but, uh Matt, I'm sure I'll see you around." She flashes me another smile. Her teeth are so bright. I walk back to my room and hardly think of Ines in my favourite shirt.


"Missing Lily?" Ines asks from across the room.
"What do you think?"
"Calm with the PMS."
"Shut up. You got French next?"
"Yep. Hey, you know that guy, Leo? He's in our French class?"
"Uh, no, I don't think so."
"Wait, no he's in my health class. Sorry. But he's nice."
"Oh, off Connor already?"
"Shut up. No, he just came over when I was in the library and we talked."
"I'll bet you did." I waggle my eyebrows. I am master of the suggestive face.
"Whatever. Leaving now."
"Fine. I need to do a bit more wallowing anyway"
"Dude. It's been one day."
"You trying to tell me you don't feel the same way?"
"Whatever Trevor. I'm gonna go to French."
"We don't have to be there for ten minutes, and stop saying that. It's unbelievably lame."
"I don't care. I need to go talk to Miss Koel about an extension."
"Have fun."
"Ha." She gives me a sarcastic smile. No-one has fun in Miss Koel's presence. She walks out of the room and I'm left sitting on the chair that Lily and I always used to share. Jesus, pull yourself together. It's been one day for christ's sake. 

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