27- Hospitals and Love Letters

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I walk out of Rhys' room and enter Lil and I's room, she's sitting there watching Charmed.
"Hey, Lil you alright?" She doesn't look up from the screen.
"Hmm." She replies. I sigh and grab my pyjamas
"Cool." I step into the bathroom and I undress, locking the door and get into the shower.
I can't stop thinking about what Natalie told me, It can't be true, but I honestly don't think she made it up this time, I think it is true. Everything.
Connor killing his sister in a car crash... Jack in a coma... what the hell? But what I really want to know is where Natalie got all this information from.
She threatened to tell the whole school that Ines and Jack's father was a druggie and that Connor was a murderer, it made my blood boil knowing this girl had my best friends secrets in the palm of her hands.
I seriously need to calm down...
I get out of the shower after quickly washing my hair and get dressed into my pyjamas.
"I'm going to bed now," I inform Lily.
"Kay babe." I lay down and turn my lamp off.
I lay awake for what seems like ages but would've probably been an hour when I finally got to sleep thinking about it all.

I wake up really early and look at my phone, it's 6.30... hold up, way too early for me. Wow, it's been so long, but maybe it's mother nature telling me to get up off my lazy ass and to go for a run. I stick on my running gear consisting of a yellow neon tank top, 3/4 running leggings and my runners.
Lily's still asleep, so I leave a note saying where I'm going knowing that she would probably freak out if I didn't. I walk out of the building and put my earphones in, letting my body relax into the run.
I look around to note what is around me for the way back and notice a hooded figure staring in my direction from across the street, I shiver a bit and run off in a different direction to move away from him.
I can feel somebody watching me, but every time I look back nobody's there.
I know better, so I keep running, turning left and right as much as I can to throw this feeling off.
I can still sense somebody following me, I can even hear footsteps running behind me now, I quickly run into an alleyway and throw myself behind a dumpster, hoping that whoever gets confused and keeps going.

The hooded figure from before comes round the corner looking really hard, I'm lucky I chose this alleyway it's bright, unlike the others. He turns around and runs the other way and once I'm sure he's gone I come out of the alleyway and start to head back to the hotel.
"Hey, you!" I spin around and a young guy who looks strangely familiar comes up to me.
"Sorry do I know you.?" I ask trying to remember where I saw him.
"No, but I know you..." I start to freak, realising that something bad could happen right now.
"Sorry I think you're mistaking me for someone else" I walk off from the guy, the hooded figure from before.
I see the park, I think it's a shortcut to the hotel so I start walking through.
"Oh no you don't" He grabs my shoulder and I spin around, "Unlucky for you sweetheart, you've made some enemies and I'm here to sort that out." I frown at him and take a step back from him, bracing myself for a fight.
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just out here going for my daily run man, sorry if somebody has pissed you off, but I can assure you it's not me" I tried the innocent tactic, praying he was literally a stranger and not someone connected to our incident the other day.
"I'm here working for a certain someone, but I figured I'd get some hits in for my sister while I'm here." I frown at his comment. So he is obviously connected to this Pervelly guy, but what does he mean by a sister?
"Look, I don't know what you think you know, but I have nothing to do with whatever you are talking about," I couldn't start admitting anything now, so the innocent approach would have to do.
"Oh, I know more than you think I do, Breslin." He snarls my last name at me and I stand shocked, who is this guy?
Before I know it he's moved towards me, trying to hit my in my stomach, I quickly block his punch and hit him straight in the face, stalling his reflexes.
"I'm not the normal pathetic innocent girl you usually pick on dick. I would watch it." I warned, meaning every word
"Whatever. You can punch, so can I." He punched me straight in my mouth, I could feel a split lip so I punched him in the gut.
"Seriously I wouldn't," I warn, I spit blood at the ground as comes lunging at me, pushing me on the hard dirt. I sucked in a breath and tried pushing him off, but he was strong....really strong. He kicked me in the stomach hard and I kneed him back where the sun doesn't shine.
Quickly I get up, ignoring the stabbing pain coming from my ribs, I kick him across the knees and he falls down.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to hit a girl?" I say as he stands up and tries to throw a punch again and he falls to the floor. As he lays there I suddenly perk up at who he is, This is Peter, Natalie's older brother. What the hell was he doing here?
He hits me three more times in the stomach and trips me up so I landed hard on my back and hit my head, I could see the others running towards us thankfully, so I try to get up not so quickly and manage to punch him in the face which stalls him enough for the guys to come over and help.

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