22- Homework to Relationships.

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"So, are you gonna be okay?" Jack squeezes my hand.
"Honey, it's a cut. There's a good chance I'll live to see the morning."
"You're hilarious, you know that?"
"Oh, I know." I smile at him.
"So, do you need anything?"
"Uh, if you go to our room, under my pillow, there's a few packets of gum, can you grab me some?"
"Do you think it's a good idea to be chewing? Wouldn't it hurt your cheek?"
"God, you're like the mum I never had. I'll be fine." I shoo him away. When he leaves, there isn't much to do. Ines is off doing god-knows-what with Connor at their "study sesh" and Em hasn't come back yet.
Whoever thought the lime green was a good colour for sick-bay walls? It's not.

"Hey, Lily? Can I talk to you?" That's something I didn't expect to hear. Matt Cooper. Sounding apologetic.
"Sure." He comes and sits on the stool next to my bed.
"Look, I'm really sorry-"
"It's fine. It's not that bad. But if it scars badly, I may have to kill you."
"I would let you. But that's not what I was sorry for, although I am. I'm sorry about what I said, you know..."
"Oh. Right."
"Yeah." he sighed a little. " Lily. you're like the matchmaker around here. I really like Ines, and I don't know what to do."
"Really? You do? I thought you just... Nevermind. So do you want my help?"
"Yes, I want your help."
"Get over her."
"Are you kidding me?"
"Nope. Look, she loves Connor. He loves her, and from what you've acted like, I really don't think she's gonna come around to like you back."
"Please. I can't just get over her."
"Then just pull your head in and stop acting like a total dickhead when she's around. I doubt she'll suddenly drop Connor and fall in love with you."
"Yeah, yeah."
"Hey, you asked for my help."
"I guess. Hey, do you know about Sammy?"
"Yes. And I know that you wanted Ines to be your girlfriend because she looks like Sammy, and that is just messed up."
"I don't-"
"Hey Lil, got your chewing gum. What the hell are you doing here?" He glares at Matt.
"I was just leaving." He walks out of the room.

"Hey, how you doing?" Jack sits down on the side of the bed.
"Good. I'll be better in time to do the mission."
"You don't have to go." He looks up at me. I just realised I love hazel eyes.
"Yes, I do."
"You don't. The others can handle it."
"Jack, I do. I can't just blow this off, they take it really seriously."
"I guess. I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you more." I smile at him.
"Jack, I know how hard it must be to tear yourself away for just one minute, but you got a package," Ines says, leaning into the room.
"Really? Okay." He kisses me on the cheek as Ines mouths "Awe." Behind him. He leaves, and the boredom sets in again. Luckily I got Jack to bring Percy Jackson. I'm into a really exciting bit when Jack comes in and sits down on the bed again.
"Hey, what was the parcel?"
"Your birthday prezzie." He pulls out a little tissue paper package from his pocket. "I really wanted this to come before you went away." I unwrap it. Dangling from a chain is a little silver heart.
"Oh, it's so pretty! Thank you so much!" He fastens it around my neck. "But I thought going to Middleton was my birthday present?"
"Are you kidding? The girls got you that bikini, I wanted to get you something as well."
"Well, thank you. It's really pretty and very sweet of you." He smiles and we kiss.
"Guys, hate to interrupt, but the nurse says you can go now. Just keep it dry and don't pick at it and it shouldn't scar too badly." Connor walks in.
"Too badly? Oh, shit. I hate scars."
"Could be a whole lot worse," Jack says, taking my hand as I get up.
"I guess." We walk down the hall to my room, where I see Em pacing around the door to our room.

"Em? What's wrong?"
"Oh, Lil. Can I talk to you? Alone?"
"Sure. Jack? Could you...?" He looks at me for a minute then gets it.
"Oh, right. Sure."
"Right... wait are you okay?" Em says, dragging me into my room.
"The manhandling. Cease and desist... and yes I'm good, it's only a little cut."
"Cease and desist?" She asks confused. "Right. Anyway, you know Rhys" Oh ho. This is about Rhys, huh?
"Hmm. Rhys. Blond hair, blue eyes? I think I can just about place him."
"Not the time. Anyway, Rhys came to range, we went outside. Talked to Rhys. Kissed Rhys..."
"Well, it's about bloody time."
"What do you think all that kissing at the cinema was about? Do you think we were doing that for fun? That was to drive you two together."
"Yes, I did. I didn't appreciate that actually."
"Thank me later, problem solve first. What exactly is the problem?"
"I wasn't thanking you... Whatever. The problem is, I don't know, it's not the right time. I'm hurting over everything, and he was just there."
"But you like him, don't you? Anyway, don't worry about Charlie or anything else. It's not as if you have to marry Rhys. You're seventeen, have some fun."
"I don't know. Can you help me?"
"Oh, everyone wants my help nowadays. It must be my stunning intellect."
"Of course. Anyway, what do I do?"
"Talk to him."
"Uh, no. That would be awkward."
"So, you're just going to avoid him?" I look at her. "Oh, you are. Oh my god, woman. Have soap operas taught you nothing?" I shake her by the shoulders. "Avoiding does not work."
"And here I was, thinking you would actually be helpful." She shakes her head and walks out of the room.
"Helping you doesn't mean giving you the answer you want!" I yell out after her.

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