3 - Schools a Jerk

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Emma here for you all.


Poor Jack.
He really likes Lily. It's bloody obvious and it's really obvious that she likes him as well. But he just got majorly friend-zoned. And I don't know how he would be able to take that. His last girlfriend was a total bitch. She broke his heart and then was like to him, "baby I'm so sorry I cheated on you I'm a better person I promise please take me back." And then she broke his heart all over again. It took a long time to fix his opinion on women.

I had weaponry class. Everyone gets like a buddy.
Well, I think they do maybe it's only the new people that do but they assess you on what skills you have and I haven't met my buddy yet. What if my buddy is really mean? What if they judge me because of how crap I'm going to be? I pulled my hair from the braid I had kept it in overnight. It was nice and curly.
Walking down to my class I bumped into Jack. Even though I was with him last night it felt like I hadn't seen him ages.
"Jackelyn!" I called to him.
"I swear Nezmerelda, you have got to stop calling me that."
"Never! When do you have free?" We were standing in front of each other now. I could see his white teeth.
"Third, meetup?"
"Yes! We need to have a chat."
"Cool, see you then little sister." And he began to walk away.
"I'm only ten minutes younger than you," I shouted after him.
"Ten minutes you won't forget for the rest of your life, shortass."
"And I'm not a shortass!"

"You're pretty short you know." Bloody hell that scared me. I walked right into Matt, I almost fell over, he grabbed my arm and kept me steady. I must have been short; he was towering over me.
"I'm not that small." I took a step back, Matt kept on looking me up and down. Creepy.
"That's your brother right?" He looked at Jack who was now at the very end of the hall.
"Yeah, he is."
"Well, that's good."
"I'm having a party. Well, a friend of mine is, you know Nick right?"
"I think so." I lied, of course I know Nick. Its eyebrows boy.
"Well yeah, him, so bring your friends, bring your brother, maybe some booze if you can. It'll be fun."
"Great!" He smiled at me. "So what are you doing now?" The next smile was a little more sleazy.
"I actually really have to go, I'm late already." I smiled at him and started walking down the corridor.
"Oh come on Ines, what about we hang out tonight?"
"I'll try, sorry, I really have to go bye Matt!" 

I'm late for my lesson. The teacher glares at me when I walk in. "Sorry sir, I got lost, I'm still new around here you see." I gave him a smile and he forgave me.
"I'm Mr Head. I'm just here to supervise your first training session with your buddy. I'm not here every lesson, just your first. Your buddy is someone we set our new students up with so they work and learn from each other and get to know how we train at this school."
"Right," I said.
"Good do you have any questions?"
"No, no, who's my buddy?"
"Ahh yes, whoops. You're buddy miss Ines is Connor Taylor." My heart skipped a beat. I don't know why. I've talked to him like four times or something, about music and footy or something I don't know really. He's just this guy that I don't really know, no reason my heart to start racing like a sports car.
"Right." I nodded. Stay calm Ines. Keep it together. Composure. Composure.
"He's running late too actually." Mr Head looked down at the watch on his wrist. He was getting a bit flustered. "I'm sure he will be here any minute," 

Right on cue, in runs Connor, shirtless and sweaty in track pants his hair flying everywhere with one headphone in. Wow.
"Sorry, I went for a run while I was waiting, I must have lost track of the time."
I felt so extremely awkward standing there staring at him. I couldn't stop bloody staring. He looked so good.
"Mr Taylor, thanks for joining." Mr Head said. "This is your buddy, Ines." He looked at me, his eyes widening. I think it was only now he properly realised why I was here. He grabbed his shirt from the floor and pulled it on. "Right well, I'm off, I've got papers to mark, Mr Taylor you can take it from here."
We stared at each other before Connor pulled himself together. "Sorry, I um, wasn't really thinking."
"No, no, it's fine." I turned away so he wouldn't see my blush. My heart was beating so fast I thought it might break out of my chest and run away. Please control yourself. We start talking awkwardly about anything that pops into our heads. He has a very nice voice. Sort of husky and sexy, but nice as well.
"So what do you like best?" Connor asked me when we finally got ready to train.
"I'm not really sure."
"Well, do you like karate, or shooting people or like daggers?" He asks, smiling this kind of cheeky grin. Yep, he's definitely very attractive.
"Oh, ah, I like throwing knives, or daggers."
"Well, it just so happens I hold the record of the most bulls-eyes shot."
"Oh you do, do you?" I smiled at him. He smiles back. To some, this would probably be considered flirting. They would also say it is very bad to flirt with one of your only friends and training buddy. "Well, we'll have to see about that." 

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