7 - Bad Dreams and Plans.

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After a long boring day of school,  I was so ready for a nice cold shower; I decided to check in on Em, she must have had a real bad hangover after the amount she drank last night. I knock on her door and Ines answered it.
"Hey Charlie, if you're looking for Emma she has run away to Lily's bedroom"
"Okay thanks, Ines"
"No problem" Before she could say anymore I walked away heading to Jack's bedroom, when I got there the door was already open with Emma crawling into Lily's bed, I went to go walk over but Jack stopped me.
"Dude you seriously don't wanna mess with her right now, she doesn't want her sleep interrupted." He warned me.
"Okay. Is it really that bad?" I ask concerned.
"No, but she hasn't had any painkillers so she's hurting. You can come in though." I walk into the room and sit next to where Em was sleeping, she looks cute when she sleeps.
"So you and Ems huh?" Jack said breaking the silence.
"Yeah, It's great," I say smiling. 
 "And you and Lily, that's nice" I reply.  I look over to Lily she was getting some pills and water and putting it on the bedside table for Em for when she wakes up. 
I look at Em and stroke a stray piece of hair away from her face.
After staying at Jack's a bit more I decided I really needed that shower so I walked across the hall, bumping into Natalie, a girl from our year, on my way.
"Oh hey, Charlie." She smiled at me, grabbing hold of my arm
"You alright Nat?" I ask, trying to be polite, she smiles at me and walks closer.
"Yeah, I'm great now you're here." I smile at her, slightly creeped out by her behaviour. Natalie is known to be one of the more... flirtatious girls in our year, but she'd never shown interest in me before...
"Great," I reply, taking my arm from her hand and moving to my room,
"How're your scores coming along?" I looked back at her smirking at me, what the hell is her problem, I didn't want to deal with her bullshit right now so I walked away.
"See you later Natalie."


Ho hum. I hate the holidays, mainly because everyone leaves to be with their family and I don't have any. What makes it even worse is that these holidays, it's my birthday. I mean, Em and I generally go out the day she comes back from her family, but once, just once I would like to go out on my birthday. Jack comes up to me and puts an end to my pity-party.
"Hey there. you alright?" Jack asks.
"Course," I said, putting my arms around his neck and kissing him, and then remember Em in the bed next to me. I sigh.
"Come on, sleepyhead. Up, up, up!" I yell and turf her out of my bed.
"Noooooo. Let me sleep" She groans. I pick her up by her ankles and motion to Jack.
"Could use a bit of help here." He smiles, rolls his eyes and grabs her wrists, and we carry her like that to her room. When we reach it,  I open the door. "Hey, Nezzie," I say.
"Hey Lil" Jack and I carry her in and swing her.
"One... two... THREE!" And we tossed her onto her bed. "Well, now that I have my bed back, I might go and get some use out of it. Night Ines."

I crash into bed but I can't get to sleep until much later. When I finally get to sleep, it's not a very good one.
In the dream, I see my mum. I don't know how I know, I just do; she's got me by the hand and is leading me someplace, I can smell salt and hear seagulls, so I assume we're at the beach, as I look at her, she smiles, and I feel safe. Suddenly, the scene shifts and I'm at the training hall, and it's not my mum is now Jack, but it's not right. He gives me a mocking smile.
"Come on, tough girl. What's wrong? You can beat me, you've trained your entire life for this, haven't you? After all, this school is basically your family, isn't it, orphan girl?" And he lunged at me.

"Woah, woah, Lily, wake up!" I wake up disoriented. Jack is leaning over me, trying to shake me awake. "What's wrong?"
"I don't know," I said, panting. "Nightmare."
"What happened in it?"
"Umm... my mum, and... you."
"Yeah, but not you. You were... wrong. You were cruel."
"Oh. What about your mum? What did she look like?"
"Look, I just don't know. Can I just go back to sleep?" I see him pull back, looking hurt and I feel bad, but I'm too tired and creeped out by my dream to care.
"Morning" I say to Jack when I wake up and he comes out of the shower. "Look, Jack, I'm really sorry about last night."
"It's okay. I know you were tired" And he gives me a sad smile.
"It's just... you know those dreams where it's not that something is chasing you, but the scariest dreams are  the ones with normal things gone... wrong?"
"Well, that was you, and my mum... I don't know what she looked like, I just know she was my mum, if you know what I mean. and then we were at the beach, but then it was me and you at the training hall and you were... an asshole, basically. Anyway, why were you up?"
"I never went to sleep. You started thrashing around and talking in your sleep and once you started getting really agitated I woke you up."
"Thanks" I give him a small smile.
"It's okay. You know, I'm always gonna be there for you." I smile and lean on his shoulder while he hugs me. 

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