28- Replacements of the Injured.

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"Hey," I sat around thinking after Jack called me and told me, to put it nicely. I was being a dumbarse dipshit. He was right, I had to call her and talk to her about it, about everything, and about Natalie, and Em, and about the mission, and about how much I missed her. It took me a while to pick up the phone though.
"So you're speaking to me? You won't hang up on me or anything?" She sounded scared and sad.
"No, of course not. I love you, I wouldn't do that. I'm sorry. That fucking bitch Natalie. This was none of her fucking business. It's not her right to go around telling me your shit, that's your secret to tell."
"You don't think I'm a slut do you, Connor? Because of that, because of what I let him do?"
"No Nez, I don't." She sounded so sad. "Of course I fucking.."
"Let me explain. Please, I'll feel better if I do. Tom and I had been going out for a while, and I knew he was, this is really awkward to tell, anyway, he was going to drop me, and for some stupid bloody reason I didn't want that to happen, and so yeah, I let him do that, and then he ended up cheating on me anyway." Shit is she crying. "And now I feel like total dirt." She sniffles.
"Nez, baby, don't cry." I want to jump through the phone and hug her, pull her close and never let go.
Fuck this is killing me.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize, don't feel shit because of that wanker babe, you are a fucking amazing person, he doesn't deserve you at all okay? No one thinks you're a slut, you shouldn't think you are, and if anyone does, they have to deal with me." That sounded better in my head. She laughs quietly and sniffles.
"Thank you, Connor, I love you. So much. I miss you like fucking crazy."
"I miss you too." I sigh. "Did you hear about Em?"
"Poor thing, getting Natalie's creepy brother set on her."
"Yeah, she was really hurt."
"She said she has to rest for ages because of her ribs."
"That's bullshit, so what she has to stay in the hotel while we finish this mission?"
"Apparently so. She said you guys are in shit because Matt killed him."
"I think we fucked it all up."
"Don't worry babe, it'll be fine, Mr Chelsea will come and it'll all get sorted out."
"I don't know where he is, he went on this conference thing and no ones heard from him. No one has any idea what we're supposed to be doing. Its all turned to shit."
"Don't stress baby, it'll be fine."
"I love you."
"I love you too." I smile at nothing, on the phone. At her voice. I have missed her so much. I was stupid not to talk to her sooner. "What have you been doing?"
"Studying, a lot. All my teachers think they should put all our tests in the same week. I have an enormous English essay due, a French test, a history test, and some maths thing that I haven't started."
"You poor baby."
"Yes poor me, when are you coming home Connor, I miss you so much,"
"Two weeks tomorrow." Urgh too long. "Way too long. I love you, Nez. So much."
"I love you too, babe I'm sorry I'm so tired, is it ok..."
"Of course baby, you sleep I'll call you tomorrow, I promise I will. I love you so much. Sleep well I'm dreaming of you."
"I'm dreaming of you too. I love you." She hangs up the phone and I chuck mine into a pile of clothes on the floor. Matt snores quietly across from me. What was going to happen to us? We were five teenagers sent out here to stalk this guy but then one of us killed him and another one got the shit beaten out of them. What the fuck were we doing? Mr Chelsea had disappeared and no one knew how to reach him. Lily had already tried to call him ten times and nothing. Maybe it's just me feeling a bit swamped.

I rip off my shirt and dive under my doona. Time for sleep, and sure enough I fall asleep immediately.


I wake up and groan, the lights in the hospital were so bright it was hard to actually get to sleep in the first place. I couldn't wait to get out of this place, it was so uncomfortable and I really missed being around everyone back at the hotel. 
We really needed to figure out what we were going to do to fix this mess.

"You're awake." I look over to Rhys leaning on the side of the bed, his hand was fixed in mine and I smiled, knowing he hadn't left my side. As I go to talk to him my phone goes off, Ines.
"Ines, hi...."
"Is she okay?" Rhys asks as I drop my phone down, I nod, wincing at the pain coming through from my ribs suddenly.
"Can you pass me the pain meds please, my ribs are starting to hurt again." Rhys looks so worried, bless him. I hated putting him through this, I know I'd be out of my mind if it was him in my shoes. "I'm okay, honestly. It's just sore." 
"I'll kill that guy for doing this to you..." He mumbles as he passes me my medication and some water.
"Well you don't need to, he's going to jail and I'm sure with a temper like his, he'll get bashed up soon enough." He smirked at me as I said that.
"Yeah well, please don't ever do this to me again, I don't think I could cope with another scare like that.
"I can't promise you anything, but I do appreciate the notion." Just as he was about to kiss me the nurse walks in, He kisses my forehead and gets off.

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