4 - Training and Dates.

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 Ines here for you all.


As I was having a shower, I wondered if Daniel really liked Em, or something else. I mean, she says hi to him all the time and likes him for about as long as she's known him, and all of a sudden he just turns around and asks her out? I mean, I'm happy for her and all but it just seems... Weird...
"Lil? You nearly done?" Jack asks.
"I'll be about five minutes I need to wash my hair." About eight minutes later I turn off the water and wrap myself in a super fluffy, warm towel.
"You know, I never understood why girls take so long."
"Ok, well, do you condition your hair after you shampoo?"
"We have to put conditioner all through our hair, and anyway, we have to do a lot more than guys do, more general maintenance sort of thing."
"Umm, okay..."
"Anyway, I'll get changed while you have your shower, nighty night."
"Night." I get changed and snuggle down, conking out before Jack is finished.

"Come on Jack, up, up, up!" I shout.
"What? Its the morning." He said in a super sexy sleepy voice.
"I know, but now we have to start your training for real, which means that until I can bring you up to speed, It's early mornings and late nights for you."
"Uggghhh... people weren't meant to be up at this hour, how the hell are you so perky?"
"You get used to it, I'm going down for breakfast. If I don't see you down there in 5 minutes, I'm coming back up and dragging your ass down alright?"
"Yeah... blergh" He said, turning over.
"Oh, no you don't, I can and will drag you downstairs, remember."

He met me in the cafeteria 30 seconds before I would have gone up.
"Well, good morning, Jack. How did you sleep?" I tease, throwing him an extremely cheerful grin.
"I hate you."
"Oh! Never mind, you'll get your chance to get me back. now grab some brekky."
"What are you eating?" He asks, looking down at my bowl. "That isn't human food."
"What? Healthy, yum and a good start to the day. Berries and yoghurt."
"Okay, I'll go get some 'real food' if you don't mind."
"Be my guest."
After he has finished his breakfast, we head down to the practice hall.
"Ok, um, what size shoe are you?"
"Umm, 12, I think"
"Okey-dokey" I grab him some foot guards and gloves off the shelves.
"Now, have you ever done martial arts before the ass-kicking I gave you a while back?"
"Okaaaay... well, we'll start with the front kick. Just bring your knee up, and flick your leg out. Knee up, leg out, leg down." And we continue with that, doing heaps of repetitions until he is mediocre. We keep going with other kicks and punches, and after a while, I step it up.
"Okay, now I'm going to give you a combination of kicks and punches to do, and you do them on the bag. Just remember, your sister is going through this as well. Front kick, roundhouse punch, spinning hook kick, uppercut"

After that, we do some sparring, me kicking his butt and him sucking.
"Keep your guard up! Seriously, someone could so easily punch you in the jaw right now." And I do.
"Don't get distracted by what I'm saying! Hear it and take it on board, but keep your concentration!"
It goes like that until we finish, him tired and bruised and me still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Ha.

We go back to the common room and both flop down into the chairs. Em and Ines are waiting for us.
"Hello brother, how'd you do?"
"He sucked," I answer for him.
"Yeah, I actually kind of did."
"Anyway, dearest brother, I remembered something. We've been here for exactly a month today."
"Really? A month?"
"Wow. Lily, how long have you been here?"
"Um..." I say, trying not to meet his eyes. "About... seventeen years?"
"What? But... you are seventeen, aren't you?"
"Um, yeah, I was raised here"
"What, your parents work here or something?"
"No, I... don't have any."
"Yeah, I'm literally a Harry Potter baby, I was left on the doorstep, with a note to take me in and instructions to take deposits out of my trust fund."
"Holy shit, so, on days when parents visit, or holidays, you..."
"Um, on parent visits days, I train, and on holidays, yeah I stay here. There are other people who stay too. Dale stays, and this girl Erin and a few others."
"Dale? Why does Dale stay?" Jack asks.
"Well, he decided he would stay here a couple of years ago, his parents pay for him to be here, but they had a massive fight a couple of years ago when they found out... nothing."
"Found out what?" Ines asks.
"Nothing, I shouldn't have said anything."
"Come on, tell us" Ines pleads.
"No, look, guys,  it's not my secret to tell, if Dale decides to tell you on his own, good for you, but it's not my decision to make. By the way, Em, Ines, what happened last night?" Before either of them can say anything, however, Connor walks in.

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