16 - The Calm Before The Storm.

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~This is Rhys for everyone asking!~


"Lily, did you think he seemed a bit... I don't know, pissed?" Em asks me
"Yeah, I don't know. If you don't mind, I'm gonna go talk to him." I walk out the door.
I have no idea why he's acting this way. I mean, we were all happy until we met... Rhys. What's he got against him?
"Oh, hey, Jack," I say as I nearly run into him.
"Hey. Look, Lil, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry. I was being a dick, and... It's just... you and Rhys have so much history, you know? I mean, he's known you for so long and I don't know any of the things about you as he does. I never knew you liked Friends and the Veronicas. I never even knew you had a best friend called Rhys. I know that I have nothing to be worried about, but..."
"You do have nothing to worry about. I love you, and anyway, I'll take brown hair and hazel eyes over blonde and blue eyes any day."
"Good to know. Good to know." He smiles and leans down to kiss me.
"Uh, guys, really happy for you and all, but aren't we going to the beach?" Nez says as she appears in the doorway.
"Okey-dokey. By the way." I say, going up and giving him a peck on the lips "Friends is old news. Favourite TV show now? Charmed."
"I'll keep that in mind." He says as he smiles at me. I head to my room and get changed into my birthday bikini.


"Wait... what?!"
"I told you. The dead body, seal, jump, crouch, turn, karate." She just frowns at me. I can't help laughing.
She's so beautiful.
"Stop laughing at me!" She squeals, throwing a bar of wax at me. I skillfully catch it and wrap her up in a bear hug.
"I'm not laughing at you. Come on, I'll show you again." I get down on my stomach, my body straight, arms sticking out like chicken wings. "Okay, dead body."
"Jack, that doesn't look like a dead body."
"Shut up, this is how I learnt. alright, seal." I stretch up from my arms, keeping my body in the sand.
"Jack! That doesn't look like a seal!" She squeals at me. I roll onto my back.
"Bloody hell woman, do you want me to teach you how to surf or not?" She nods quietly, trying to keep in her laughs. Okay, change of tactic.
"Okay, Lily. Lie down." I jump up, brushing the sand from my wetsuit. She obeys and I draw a rough surfboard around her. "Okay. A dead body." She giggles, and sticks her arms out like a chicken, I move her hands so they're on the rails of the fake board. "These are your rails, they're very important, this is where you jump up from."
"Okay," she still looks confused.
"Alright, now seal." I lie next to her and show her how to stretch up. "Stick your boobs out." Probably not the best thing to add, but it's generally what you have to do. "Good, babe, good. Now jump up," I slowly jump up, and turn slightly, crouching low. She does the same and falls on her arse. I chuckle quietly and she throws something at me.
"Oh, babe." I give her a kiss and she melts in my arms. "Let's do it again." It takes her a while, but she gets it. Jumping up, and turning, her feet placed pack, crouching low. "I think you're ready."
We take Nez's old board out into the shallows, I sit on mine and watch her. She's getting better. You can tell she could be amazing.

After a while Connor comes and joins us, he doesn't have a board so he floats out next to me, shouting advice to Lily.
"Not with Nez?" I ask.
"Nah, she went to train with her team in victor, I had a chat with Kenny, thought I should check up on our little grom."
"Hah. She's a lot better than she was earlier this morning."
"You're a good teacher."
"Those who can't do, teach." I laugh.
"Jack, I think I'm about to die, do I have to surf anymore?" She asks, paddling over to where we were floating.
"Of course not baby, you've done amazingly already. I'm very proud." She smiles at me, and I paddle over as close as I can to kiss her. We kiss until I'm out of breath, and nearly fall off as a wave moves underneath our boards.
"Hey, um Lil. If you're done, can I use your board?" Connor asks awkwardly. Payback mate, I've had to watch you stick your tongue down my sister's throat far too many times.
"Of course you can," She jumps off and pushes it over to him.
"Thanks, you're doing great Lil. It'll take a while but you'll get there." He gives us a wave then paddles out the back where the big swell is.
"Hop on my darling," I say, sliding off my board and pulling the strap from my leg. She jumps on and I swim us into shore. 

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