21- Split Seconds.

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Connor had three more days left before he left on his mission. I didn't want him to leave, we were finally close again. I fell asleep with him yesterday while we were watching a movie we had to study for English. I woke up the next morning with our school books around us and the packet of corn chips. He's so cute.
"Nez. Are you listening to me?" Connor brings me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, of course." He smiles at me. "I'm sorry, I was lost in thought. What were you saying?"
"Nothing interesting." He laughs. Stupid brain, I have to stop zoning out of conversations I'll start offending people soon. Like my boyfriend.
"No, tell me, sorry I'm so out of it today." You're leaving in three days. Please don't.
"I was just asking you if you would come and train with me. I have a free and I need as much training as I can get."
"Of course I'll train with you. Are you getting excited?"
"I am!" He grinned broadly at me, like a little boy those few days before Christmas. "I'm going to miss you though Nez. So much." His smile softens, he looks so hot. Oh wow. I smile back at him, and we're about to kiss when Matt decides to walk up and intrude on our happy moment.

"Well, well. Looks like I missed the announcement, are you two all fine and dandy now?" He sneers. Urgh go away Matt, no one likes you, you just make trouble. Come on Harper, where's the witty remark?
"Yes, we are thanks, so I guess that's your cue to piss off forever." Eh, I've heard better what are you doing Nez? Wheres the snap?
"Oh someones moody. Is it that time of the month again?" Urgh. You're really pushing it dickhead.
"Don't push me, dickhead. I'm not in the mood." I glare at him.
"You never seem to be in the mood, Ines. Why is that? You frigid?" Oh! That mother fudger. Suddenly Connors got him by the shirt collar, Matt stands there totally surprised.
"You say that again, I cave your face in okay?" He can be so scary when he's angry. He glares at Matt for a few more seconds then lets him go. He pulls me close to him and we keep walking towards the training hall. There's a little silence, he's still glaring at everything, god he's so cute when he's mad.
"You're so cute when you're mad," I say and he smiles at me. I kiss him and he finally relaxes, pulling me closer to him. Don't leave. Please don't. Get sick or something, get a cold and have to stay in bed for a week. Don't leave. Where you could be shot or stabbed or abducted.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Nez." He says, resting his forehead on mine. Then don't go silly! Stay here with me.
"I'm going to miss you too. But it's not for too long." Yes, it is! He smiled at me.
"Yes, it is."
We trained well past our free. Lucky we'd had it last. He was good to train with, today he wasn't going half-ass. I ended up on the floor half the time, but I still managed to fool him with a sneaky little dodge, pinning him to the floor. I'm sweaty and disgusting when we walk into the dorms, Jack and Lily are staring at us.
"Wow. I'm beaten." I say, smiling at them both.
"Yeah me too. I'm all sweaty I had lots of fun babe." Connor joins in.
"Me too! Definitely!" Lily was looking at us, horrified. Oh god. I burst out laughing, she's so sick-minded. I can see how that can be misinterpreted. "Urgh, Lily! Don't be silly! I'm going for a shower." I walk away leaving Connor laughing at Lily's little misunderstanding.

I jump in the shower and wash off all the sweat on my body. Maybe I should buy Connor a present when he leaves. Something to remember me by. What if he meets some sexy foreign girl? What if she's all tanned and curvy and they fall in love forever and he never comes back? Oh god. Now I'm all worried. Stay calm. Get a grip.
I waltz out in my fluffy bath towel to a room not as empty as before. Connor was sitting on my bed, with Rhys and Em both on Em's bed. They were all talking about the mission or something.
"Oh hello. Had I known there was a meeting I would have showered somewhere else."
"Sorry, Ines." Rhys looks kind of awkward and ashamed, I couldn't help laughing.
"Oh, bub. Don't worry. It's fine!"
"Actually." Connor jumps up and starts to take me into the bathroom. "I need to talk to you." Oh lord, my towel better not fall off. That would just be so excruciatingly awkward. I look at him expectantly. He leans down and kisses me for a while. Oh wow.
"Sorry. Um. Oh yeah. As proper wingmen, I think we need to help those two move closer." I giggle at him.
"I know. They're so awkward. They aren't doing anything! What should we do? Should we all go out?"
"Let's take them to the movies. It'll be like a triple date."
"Tonight?" I look at him doubtfully, I have so much homework. "Babe I have lots of homework."
"Come on baby." He says, his smile makes me melt. "I'll do it with you tomorrow, we can have a little study sesh."
"Hmm, study sesh eh?" I giggled. He smiled at me sexily and I melted all over again.

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