11 - Holidays Are For Lovin.

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  • Dedicated to twitter because it is amazing!!!


I woke up suddenly remembering something I had been dreading for days now.
"Ahh too fast," I say rubbing my forehead.
"Babe are you alright you got up pretty fast," Charlie says rubbing circles on my back.
"Yeah, I just remembered I need to call my parents about the holidays, oh god, I really don't want to though."
"Why what's wrong with your parents?" He asks.
"Ummm...well...ahhh... I will tell you later."
"Okay baby, well you can use my phone if you want." Charlie gets his mobile and turns it on.
"Thanks, C." I give him a smile and stick my feet over the bed.
"I will give you some privacy okay, I'm getting in the shower."
"Okay, thanks." I dial the number of my parents home phone and wait.
"Hello, Maria speaking."
"Hey Sis how are ya?" Maria is my 19-year-old sister who is too formal to function.
"Oh hey Em...Mum, dad, everyone, Em's on the phone...I'm good thanks how are you?"
See, I have a big family; there is My Mum and my Dad, then we've got Chris, my 25-year-old brother, then Maria at 17, then me at 16 nearly 17, then Bobby at 13 and finally Vanessa my 7-year-old sister.
"I'm good thanks how is piano and flute going?" I ask her
"Yeah good, Vanessa is here, she wants to speak with you." I smile, I absolutely adored my little sister, she was my favourite, I loved her with all my heart.
"Okay sure."
"Hey, Emmy!" I hear her cheerful voice.
"Hey Van, how's my fave sister doing?" She giggled. God, I missed her.
"Good! How is the special school going?" I couldn't tell her I was training to be an Assassin, so I had to tell them all it was a school for over-achievers.
"It's great! How is Greg?" Greg is her childish boyfriend.
"He is good, he says hi." I hear a squeal and the phone is moved.  
"Bobby give me the phone back." I hear Vanessa scream in the background.
"Hey Em." My younger brothers voice sounds through.
"Hey, Bobby how's life?" I ask, tapping my foot on the floor.
"Good, just playing games." Typical Bob "Well Chris is here...Hey Chris, Em's on the phone...Bye." I laughed at his vagueness before my big brother came onto the phone
"Hey Em." His voice booms through.
"Hey, Chris." I mimic his grumpy tone.
"What's up?" I roll my eyes, he's such a lad sometimes.
"Nothing much, just wanted to say hi, where's mum?"
"Here," he says, as he puts my Mum on the phone. 'Nice talking to you bro.'
"Hello, Emma?" She asks.
"Yeah, Mum it's me. Is it okay if I come back for the holidays?" I cross my fingers, no matter how much I despise that house, I miss them all the time.
"Of course honey anytime... oh, Your father wants to speak with you." I shut my eyes, that was never a good thing.
"Okay..." I've never gotten along with my dad, I was lucky to not be in the house 24/7 with him

"Emma." I hear my dads stern voice.
"How are you?" Making small talk I see.
"Good, why?"
"Is school okay?"
"Yes Dad, why?" I ask again.
"Have you made your mind up yet?" I rolled my eyes, of course, he would ask me this. 
My Dad owned a chain of restaurants in Canberra, his wish was for me to run them once he decided to retire, which would basically be once I graduated.
You see the only reason why I was sent to this school in the first place was that it advertised business studies being one of the best in the country. Now don't get me wrong, it does have great business classes, but not for the reason my father thought...
"I don't want to come home once I graduate Dad, I've told you this a million times..."
"You will do it. How could you pass up this opportunity?" He stated in his threatening tone
"Because I want to actually do something with my life father. That's why I'm here at this school."
"No, I sent you to that school so you could be educated enough to take over for me, not to flirt and flap around like it sounds like you are" I couldn't believe him, his mind was made up for what I was to do with my life, whether I liked it or not.
"No, I won't Dad, I like it here and I'm not moving back." I was trying to keep my calm. I couldn't lose my shit at my own father.
"Have you got a boyfriend?"
"Why does that matter?"I ask, confused.
"Have you or haven't you got one Emma?"
"Yes, dad I have a boyfriend. Big deal." What is his problem?
"Break up with him!"
"No," I say annoyed.
"You will Emma or I won't pay for your school fees anymore. He's obviously made you change your mind."
"That's great Dad, good tactic, stopping the school fees, so your own Daughter has to move back to work in the family business. I have never told you that I wanted to be in the business, in fact, I couldn't think of anything worse than working with you!"
"Yeah, well this family business has been passed down from generation to generation, I'm not stopping it now just because my own Daughter is behaving like a child, you will respect me and do as I say, Emma. Or else."
"You know what Dad, you can stop paying for my school fees, it's fine, I'll get a job. So you can actually see I'm not as useless as you think I am."
"Okay, you do that Emma, see how long it lasts before you come running back. And when you do I'm not going to be there for you."
"Oh watch me" I hung up on him and groaned... I seriously don't know why I even try to be nice to him.

I've never really been the perfect child; I ran away more times than I could remember, I hated being at home, I was the child they despised.
The child who shouldn't have been alive.
I couldn't stand my parents, my Mother got a little better over the years, I guess she had to live with me so she had to.
The things was, I was a twin until I turned 7, I had a Brother, Zack.
We got into a car accident, I don't exactly remember how it happened, but I do know that I loved my brother to bits and I've never truly felt the same. I understood my parent's pain.
They lost their Son. The Son they loved so much.
My Mother never wanted twins, and I was always a hard baby and toddler, my older brother always reminded me that.
But I knew that they wished it was me instead. 
Zack was meant to be the one who took over the business, my father had it all planned, so now, instead, it was me, it was like he was punishing me for being alive. 

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