1 - Assassins? Where?

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 I think this is what Lily would look like. xx 


"Morning, Mr Chelsea," I said as I leant against the doorframe of his office "have you got a minute?"
"Yes, I have a painfully boring day today. No meetings, no paperwork and no contracts out. What was it you wanted?"
"I was just wondering if I could I have a pass to the armoury to try out one of the special weapons? I'm thinking of getting some dart practice in."
"Of course," Mr Chelsea said, rummaging for a pen. "Now, your graduation is in... how long?"
"About eight months."
"Great, and then you'll be getting your team. Better keep practising, although I'm sure you'll blitz it. You're one of the best students we have, but don't tell anyone." I smiled.
"On that subject, have you got the teams yet?"
"Oh, come on. You know I couldn't tell you if I did. Hush-hush, of course. Anyway, here's your pass. Have fun."
"Pretty please?" I batted my eyelashes, hoping he would budge.
"Oh, would you look at the time. I've got a meeting to go to."
Sir, you just said-"
"Out you get. Practice... killing people. Go on."

On that happy note, I left and went on my way to the armoury. My name is Lily Mason, and I'm an Assassin.
Well, not really, I need to wait until graduation.
But I go to Sacred Heart School for the Gifted, and while most parents think it's a fancy prep school, Mr Chelsea and the others are training us to be Assassins. It's entirely our choice, of course. But who would pass up an opportunity like that? I didn't have a choice. I am an orphan and I was literally left on the doorstep with a note holding the details to my trust fund asking if they would please take me in, my parents had heard about the wonderful "education" provided here. I guess they had a flair for the dramatic. But I wouldn't have it any other way. We are actually quite a respectable gang. In some ways, it is quite like a fancy prep school. The building is a real old-money mansion, owned by the family that started the business.

On my way up the stairs, I bump into my best friend, Emma Breslin. She's 16, but she's so tiny she could pass for 12. I wave as I draw closer.
"Hey girl, you want to come to the armoury with me? I've gotta get some more practice in with the darts before graduation." I asked her.
"Nah, no can do. I have to hand in this assignment to Ms Kogan today or she'll go ballistic. She already gave me an extension for the 'cold' I had. I'll meet you in there, okay?"
"Yeah, sure. Good luck with Ms Kogan. Hope she doesn't bite ya head off."
"Hahaha. Hilarious. Anyway, I need to run. See you soon."
"See ya."
Emma, I swear, has a God-given talent for procrastination. She could actually convince a teacher that her dog ate her homework if she wanted to, even though we aren't allowed animals on campus. Must be something to do with that cherubic face.
I hand my pass to Igor and head into the armoury; (His name isn't really Igor; we just call him that because he has a bit of a hunch. Cruel, I know.)
After about ten minutes of dart practice, Em joins me. Her speciality is a gun and the fact that no one suspects her for anything; she could probably stand in the middle of a room with a murder victim at her feet, blood on her hands and a gun in one too and play "distraught murder witness" so well the cops would comfort her and get her a hot chocolate. It's so unfair. My speciality is sneaking. Not trying to boast or anything, but I am a very good thief (not that I would ever steal) and I can run very fast, as well as pick locks and use a gun, though not as well as Em. I am also pretty good at martial arts and have a black belt, but I'm not a natural like some people I know.

"Hey Lily, did you hear? There's some other guy joining tomorrow. I think he's going to be your roommate!"
"Oh yeah, Chelsea did say something about that a couple of days ago. I hope he's hot"
"Jeez, Lily. Calm down with the hormones, would ya? He is going to be your roommate. Remember what happened with Kara? Man, that breakup was mess-y. Anyway, the point is, don't get involved with your roommate. Always ends in tears."
"Don't all breakups? Anyway, that won't be a problem if he's ugly. If he is hot, I guess I'll just have to admire him from afar. Ho hum, life is hard sometimes." I said, in a world-weary tone.
"You are so odd sometimes..."
"Love you too, Em. Anyways, guess I'll have to go and clean up the junkyard if I'm getting a new roommate."
"Yeah, and this time you might think about keeping your room clean. I honestly don't know how you get it so messy in such a short amount of time." I roll my eyes and shrug.
"Why? Why do I have to keep it tidy? It's just a place where I sleep and get dressed."
"I'm not even going to bother. Have fun" she said, very sarcastically.
"Oh, I will," I said, equally sarcastically. 

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