"I don't think the girls are ready to get out any time soon," Angel said.

"Hook, are you and the girls staying over for dinner? Eddie was going to fire up the grill in a bit."

"Yes, that'll be fine. Thanks, Mrs. Hamilton," he said.

"Now Hook, what did I say call me?"

"Sorry, Clarissa," he said with a grin. "The girls need to take a break from the pool, we'll have those cookies."

"You need to give them swim lessons, Hook," Angel said. "It's not hard."

"Says the girl that grew up with easy access to a pool. They are not actually around swimming pools much, that's why they are so excited now. Come on, let me get out so the girls will follow."

The girls were upset getting out of the pool, but that quickly changed with the thought of cookies that her mother semi-made herself. Break and bake cookies tasted just like homemade, so no need to complain. They sat on the deck under the shaded outdoor table and chairs.

"Imma have a big house like this when I get big!" Ravyn said, munching on cookies like she was not the almost teenager but a little kid.

"Me too! Daddy, can I have a big house like this too?" Symone asked, sitting on her father's lap while she ate her cookie.

"Sure baby girl, you can have whatever you want."

"And see how close I lived to Six Flags?" she said to the girls. "Told you I wasn't new to the not getting your hair wet trick. Me and my sis would go like every weekend, that's why I don't like going much now."

"Man, I would be up there every day...in the summer anyway," Ravyn said.

The girls talked her ears off, but she did not mind. It was a nice change having them around and not just her parents. She was feeling better and moving around better and she was ready to not be that thirty-two-year-old still living with her parents. She was looking for places to buy a house, but she was conflicted.

How were things going with Hook? Should she buy a house so far away from him again, or maybe she should move to the city and be close to him? Or maybe they could get a place together? Although, she did not think they were that serious yet. She had to wait that out. In the meantime, she needed a place to stay. She didn't want to blow rent on an apartment. She wanted to buy a house and she wanted to buy a house for the long-term.

Her father came out preparing their gas grill and of course, he pilfered Hook to help him. They grilled steaks, burgers, and hotdogs for the girls. Her mother and the maid prepped macaroni salad and baked beans. It was a nice little meal. The girls stayed on their best behavior, she was impressed.

When they finally had to leave because it was late, the girls whined.

"Why can't we go swimming one more time?" Symone begged.

"Yeah dad," Ravyn added.

"It's late, it's a long drive back, and I bet the both of you will be sleeping in the car. Now say goodnight to Angel."

"Night Angel, see you next time?" Ravyn said.

"Sure," she said, giving her a light hug. "Come on Symone, I know you want a hug too."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't" She gave her a big hug. "Bye girls, thanks for coming."

"I'll call you when we hit home," Hook said, kissing her.


After her doctor's appointment that week, she was cleared to go on about most of her normal life. That meant going back into her office. She never stopped working, doing most everything from home in bed. They had to push the grand opening of their storefront soon. This was going to be a busy time for her.

So busy, she barely even had time to call Hook and talk with him. She would text him but had no time to talk on the phone.

"Angel, come into my office," her father said when she came home one day.

She followed her father in his office and wondered what this was about.

"Sit," he said to her.

"This must be some bad news or something you calling me in here."

"No, not bad news. Good news actually. You know when Matthew died, because you were still married, everything came to you."

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Daddy, that man is dead, I don't want a thing from him."

"Not a matter of what you want, it's what is yours. You two were still married because he refused to sign off on the dissolution of marriage. Hence, the house, his cars, his savings, trust fund balance, and life insurance are all bequeathed to you."

"Daddy, I'm not his wife. We were legally separated, not living together."

"Honey, the law is the law," he said, sliding papers her way. "Sign off on this and the money will be wired to your accounts."

"I don't want that man's money!" She slid the papers back to him. "I killed him! What does that look like?"

"It was self-defense and you've been cleared. Insurance did their investigation. Everything has been settled." He pushed the papers back at her.

She looked down at it. Glanced over some of the words and the numbers. What was she supposed to do with that kind of money? It was blood money. From a man she hated. From a man who tried to kill her. She wanted nothing to do with it.

"Daddy, I can't!" She stood up. "You can't make me take that money. Just...leave it, I don't care."


"I hate him, daddy. If I took that money I would feel like he still owns me. No!"

She walked out of her father's office. When would this nightmare end?

A/N: How much money do you think she turning down? Don't worry it's still in play. 


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