Their Yandere Type

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Yandere types:
Creepy Bean - nothing to gorey or illegal, they might stalk your social media, take a few pictures of you without you knowing, keep a tiny diary about you, take a few small objects from you, might threaten a few people around you, get some blackmail as backup if needed

Yoohoo - stalks you home, takes a bunch of pictures of you, breaks into your house when no one's home or your asleep, gets close to you at school work etc, might beat the shit out of someone who got to close every now and then

Skidwid - manipulation ! Ma-ma-manipulation! They will manipulate you into relying solely on them, they might make it seem like everyone's turned on you, they might stalk you and make it seem like someone else and make you seek out their comfort, might find some way so you'd have to move in with them and so on

Boink - MUUUUURRRRDDDDEEEERRR , yah they won't hesitate to gives someone a few boinks on top of the head . . . with a metal bat . . . as hard as they can . . . repeatedly.

GotchaBitch - The kidnapper! They come at ya and go Bink chloroform aaaaand out, enjoy the basement or the extra room that's soundproofed or the cabin in the woods.


💰💰 Yaoyorozu💰💰
Creepy Bean


Creepy Bean

Boink and yoohoo


Boink and GotchaBitch

❄️🔥 Todoroki❄️🔥


💥💣 Bakugou💥💣

😎😎 Kirishima😎😎
Creepy Bean

Mineta: DEAD ya he got killed

Shinso: Boink and skidwid



Boink and GotchaBitch

Creepy Bean

Skidwid and GotchaBitch


Creepy Bean



Boink and GotchaBitch

Boink and skidwid

Creepy Bean


Mai: Heyo~ so I will be publishing a book called "Tots and Tots Adventures" it acts as a shitpost book kind of. It's filled with random shiz that flows into my head. My brain goes at like 100mph and I honestly have no clue why like I am ZIPPY. It's strange for me but oh well. Anyway I would like it if you guys would check it out. Also update on me that no body wanted but my crush just hurt my heart, not gonna say broke because I wasn't in love but oh well I'll be fine haha. Hope you enjoyed.   
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*Finger guns*

You Guys
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BNHA Class 1-A Boyfriend/Girlfriend Scenariosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن