Birthday Presents/ Activities

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Quick Rant
Mai: So I had my class debate my rights in front of me during class. Gay marriage was brought up after our conservative substitute teacher made a rant on which side was right, wrong, and such in the 2020 election. Where I live I'm mostly surrounded by homophobes sooo. . . I only had like 1 or 2 people defending me and I was close to crying almost left the class. So yeee fun. *Crys in mentally unstable bisexual*

She got you a huge ass sloth pillow which she eventually regretted because you cuddled it more.

💰💰 Yaoyorozu💰💰
She didn't do much in her opinion all she did was pay for the trip to (whatever amusement park you want to visit). Y'all were able to ride every ride and get something from every single shop.

🙈🙈 Hagakure🙈🙈
You both spent the entire day trying to do couples yoga poses and ultimately failed due to her being invisible but it was a funny activity

🐸🐸 Tsuyu🐸🐸
She got you some shirts custom made for your wings so you wouldn't have to cut anymore shirts for a while.

❇️❇️ Uraraka❇️❇️
Went and had picnic that she may or may not have forced 1A to help set up

🎵🎵 Jirou🎵🎵
Wrote you an original song that when played on Mic's station got popular.

It might just be one more day to you
But to me it's a promise fulfilled
Another year with you is worth spending a million with others
So baby when I say those words
I hope to say them again next year
Happy Birthday to you~
(I made this up off the top of my head so just make it sound however you'd like in your head)

👊😳 Midoriya👊😳
Lots and lots of cuddles and his mum (the literal goddesses she is) made you a beautifully designed cake.

❄️🔥 Todoroki❄️🔥
A trip to the ER because his father was being a nasty as hoe, Hawks tried to calm the man, Todoroki got pissed and his fire went crazy. So here you are in the emergency room while his left side was being tended to. But once y'all got out he showed you in the midst of him arguing with his father he snatched Endeavors wallet so y'all went to anywhere in town using a credit card.

He gave you peace and quiet, well except for your music, and your small talk as you cuddled into him. The day before he told everyone he didn't care if anyone died if anyone dared to bother you that day he'd personally force them through whatever academic lesson he pleased. Oh you both also did some small activities.

💣💥 Bakugou💣💥
He put some dickwads in the hospital for you after they groped you while he was of buying you some ( favorite snack). He also took you thrift shopping.

😎😎 Kirishima😎😎
You went swimming at a lake (Idc if ya b-day in fall or winter  ya went swimming but after you got to cuddle while drinking your favorite hot drink)

Mineta: some new outfits

Shinso: He took you to a secluded spot near a waterfall. There you enjoyed your day with Shinso

He had a surprise party set up for you so you could get to know his friends more.

😅😅 Oijiro😅😅
He allowed you to do whatever you pleased with him. You wanted to dance he's down, you want to watch movies he's down, you wanna fu-

🐥🖤 Tokoyami🐥🖤
He wrote you a poem (also sorry that most of the poems from him are mostly just rhymes and not some form of literary art)

Shining as bright as the stars
Hearts rocketing to Mars
I knew when I met you
I would hold you forever
Even through bad weather (metaphorically speaking)
So thank you for living
Soothing me with your breathing
So together shall we continue
Happy Birthday to you

You two just jammed out to music before passing out from exhaustion. Then you both woke up and made some dino nuggies to share while watching (favorite movie)

He wanted to do something unique and completely unheard of so he gathered a few of his classmates and together they designed a beautiful display of lights that at night he would light up using his quirk. Right before he went stupid he switched himself out with a generator, didn't shine as bright as when he did it but this allowed him to dance with you since you had just been spinning around as music played lightly in the background.

✨✨ Aoyama✨✨
Y'all went shopping.
(Get in the car bitches were going shopping!)

He knew you were still struggling with recovering from anorexia so he decided to make you a small sweet nothing too big. He then took you out to an arcade.

He took you to (insert whatever amusement park/ tourest attraction you want to go to)

sorry for the wait. Depression got me big sad. Also some of y'all's comments djsisoshsbsj noice. I may not reply due to my overwhelming anxiety but I do read them. Skadink

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