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Mai: MINI RANT -Okay so in light of doing some research I no longer support Yagami Yato or at least not fully anymore. I will not hate on anyone who does and it's your choice who you support. If you don't know there have been grooming allegations involving Yagami and it's honestly upsetting, I love her work, she's very talented but some things I just can't bring myself to look over. Having experienced being groomed I can't bring myself to still support her with this all going on. If you wanna do your own research there's some very informative videos up on YouTube discussing it. I really hope Yagami does a formal apology (if the allegations are true) and actually changes, I don't believe in cancel culture so I'm hoping she stops so she doesn't eventually get cancelled. I'm continuing to do research so I can't say that all of this is factually correct but it's enough for me to at least temporarily remove myself from the community. I will also be going back and changing some of my own work because my opinions have changed since middle school and because I've seen some alarming things in my own work pertaining to pedophilia and I apologise to anyone I've made uncomfortable. I also in no way intend to force my beliefs/opinions on anyone I just wanted to clarify some things. Also please don't attack me for this, and for those who agree with me please don't attack those who still support her. (I hope this made sense)

Love you guys and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Oh pda is no problem with her. She don't care who's around if she wants your attention and love she's gonna get it.

💰💰 Yaoyorozu💰💰
Pda is fine with her, she likes to keep it respectful though as to not make others uncomfortable, simple hand holding, hugs, pecks on the cheek, eyes and lips.

🙈🙈 Hagakure🙈🙈
She does the regular love struck fool kind of pda, constant embraces, hand holding, constant type of wholesome pda.

🐸🐸 Tsuyu🐸🐸
She isn't heavy with the pda, she holds your hand, maybe a hug here and there, she usually keeps the kissing to a bare minimum unless it's just a few close friends around.

❇️❇️ Uraraka❇️❇️
She's ALWAYS holding you're hand when she can, she also loves to pepper your face with kisses no matter who's around.

🎵🎵 Jirou🎵🎵
Pda is a no go here, unless she's jealous then she might wrap an arm around you, other than that the most you'll get is a hand hold, but every now and then she'll sing you a love song but that's very rare

👊😳 Midoriya👊😳
He's okay with it but it doesn't subtract the redness that always appears on his face. Even something as simple as a hug has a pink hue rising, but he's not complaining he likes that you're okay with showing everyone how much y'all care for each other.

❄️🔥 Todoroki❄️🔥
He's neutral to pda, he could honestly care less where y'all show affection. Though you almost always have to initiate it, but sometimes he'll hug you or grab your hand but that's usually only when his thoughts are getting to him or he needs to calm down.

(Insert ship): hugging and shiz

You: Hey babe can I get a hug?

Iida:Yeah anything for you 💕

(Since y'all don't go to the same school lets just say that you visited him during lunchtime)

💣💥 Bakugou💣💥
He doesn't give a fuck who's around, he'll do as he pleases and will even flip them off in the process of they say something. If he wants a hug he's getting a damn hug and no one is gonna stop him, not even All Might himself.

😎😎 Kirishima😎😎
He loves pda, plus it's manly to show others love. His favorite thing to do whether in public or not is big hugs. He loves hugs, the feeling of being wrapped in each other's arms never fails to make his heart flutter.

Mineta: he is the embodiment of touchiness, he go touch touch, he also likes to hold your hand.

Shinso: He's neutral to pda, he doesn't really care who's around. If he feels like doing something he might do it or he might choose to just chill. That is unless he's jealous then he makes quick work of showing you are indeed his, this usually entails forehead/ shoulder kisses and his arm wrapped around your waist.

Hand holding and a hug here in there is the most he'll do in public anything more causes his anxiety to peak a little too much for comfort.

(Anyone else feel like he'd have overwhelming anxiety cause I feel like he'd have been bullied for his quirk and as a result he'd have anxiety that gets very bad sometimes)

😅😅 Oijiro😅😅
He is okay with pda but gets a little nervous but that doesn't mean he hates it. He really likes when you have your head laid on his shoulder.

🐥🖤 Tokoyami🐥🖤
Pda . . . that is a no on his behalf unless eased into it. The only time he was ever slightly comfortable with pda was when y'all were in cosplay and he was getting into character.

Pda is very big with him since he likes to take ya out a lot. He's definitely not shy when expressing his love for you he couldn't care if the whole world was watching, well he'd actually be a bit nervous but it wouldn't stop him.

He loves pda, well he doesn't really think about it being pda he just wants your attention, the only time he get particularly flustered is if you do something in front of all your younger  siblings mainly because they tease you both.

✨✨ Aoyama✨✨
He's used to the attention anyways so he be pulling pda off fabulously with you.

He's very shy when it comes to pda but doesn't stop you if you want to hold his hand or just need a simple hug.

Pda is a big no from him, sure he'll take you on dates and stuff but the absolute most he'll do in front of the public eye is hold your hand. Though every now and then he'll get a tiny boost in confidence and he'll give you small hugs.

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