Random Head Canons+Answers

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Mai: okay so I wanted to take some time to answer questions I get frequently. I won't be asking the exact questions obviously but I'll generalize them a bit.

1. Are you okay?
To be quite honest I'm not but I really am trying. I keep getting better only to randomly get hit by my depression for sometimes no reason and I relapse.

2. Do you take requests?
Yes I do. I have a few I'm working on but with my mental state doing roller coaster loops I haven't really worked on them. I plan to make an actual chapter going more into depth on it once I'm mentally ready. Also for those who have requested I promise I haven't forgotten, and apologies if it doesn't turn out the way you want.

3. What did I just read? (Referring to uhm series)
That is my train of thought when ever my depression isn't nagging at me. Hope y'all enjoyed my brain rot series haha.

Those are just the main 3 but there are some I might address later. Anyways enjoy

She lays down at night and her mind would only be filled with what chaos she would get into with you the next day.

💰💰 Yaoyorozu💰
When holding your hands she'll rub your knuckles and give light squeezes to you when she sees your scars.

🙈🙈 Hagakure🙈🙈
Sometimes she'll use her quirk to prank you and will always hide the small things. Although it's annoying the things she usually hides are always returned by the end of the day with a tiny love letter or cute note attached to it.

🐸🐸 Tsuyu🐸🐸
When ever you are taking a nap and have your head in her lap she'll boop your nose just to watch it scrunch up and to hear the incoherent noises you make.

❇️❇️ Uraraka❇️❇️
When you're really down she'll make ya float just to hear you laugh. Also one time when you got high with Sero she made you float, tied a string to your leg, and recorded you on her phone as she walked the both of you home. She called you her cackling balloon for a month. (You can't convince me that it wouldn't play out that way)

🎵🎵 Jirou🎵🎵
She writes you music all the time and some songs she'll only sing to you once you've fell asleep.

👊😳 Midoriya👊😳
When ever they saved Eri he'd so have a flash in his head of you and him with a kid. The next time he'd see you he'd hold you close and promise you that IF y'all ever had/adopted a kid that he'd protect them no matter what.

❄️🔥 Todoroki❄️🔥
Anytime him and his dad fought he would go over to your place to cuddle and spend time with one another so he could feel better.

If your ever having problems in school academically he'd force you to sit through a tutoring lesson. Afterwards though he'd take you out to get (fav food).

💣💥 Bakugou💣💥
Anytime he thinks he's been to harsh on you he'll pull you to the side and hug you. As he's hugging you he'll whisper to you how he doesn't mean what he said in any harmful way. He'll rub your lower back and snuggle his face into your neck.

😎😎 Kirishima😎😎
Game night with the boys??? No game night with the love of his life. He will drag you into his lap and force you to play whatever game he has picked then after that you get to pick a game. His favorite game to play with you is Minecraft because of y'all's pig named Bartholomew.

Mineta: despite being a perverted little grape when he notices you're getting annoyed of his antics he'll bring it down a notch and suggest that y'all snack, read a few books, and maybe watch a movie. He'll still be fantasizing though. Also sometimes you have to save him from random people all day because he tends to get on everyone's bad side.

Shinso: if you ever ask him to use his quirk on you he'll immediately refuse. He never wants to put you under his control especially after how Mineta had manipulated you. The one time his quirk would subconsciously activate on you he'd crumble. He'll knock you out of his control and excessively apologise to you. He won't forgive himself for months even though you tell him it's fine. The only way he'd stop beating himself up for it is a deep conversation.

This man gives the best hugs whenever you have a nightmare. They never fail to reassure you that you are protected and nothing can hurt you as long as he's still alive.

😅😅 Oijiro😅😅
He loves it when you snuggle into his tail and in the mornings if he's awake before you he'll nudge your head with it to wake you up and sometimes he'll nudge your side with it as well.

🐥🖤 Tokoyami🐥🖤
Tokoyami will leave little inspirational poems for you in random places. On a particularly bad week he had left a cute poem on your desk. When you asked him about it he was to flustered so Dark Shadow did her thing and came out to pick on him a lil bit.

He would so have you taped to the roof one day. Poor Aizawa is gonna walk into the common room only to see you taped to the roof while Uraraka is releasing Sero from her quirk and Midoriya is double checking the statistics that they used enough tape to hold you up there.

Pokemon references 24/7. He'll drag you into his shenanigans. Aizawa really be out here suffering, a day at the beach for the class was not supposed to end with Yaomomo making a big enough pokeball for Denki to fit in, Uraraka making it weightless, and you screaming "PIKACHU I CHOOSE YOU!!!". Let's say that it worked but it also resulted in a long ass lecture.

✨✨ Aoyama✨✨
He'll take random gorgeous things and then tell you they could never compare to you because in his eyes they couldn't even began to compare. Of course he'd compliment himself in the process but still his thoughts were mainly filled with you. He'd never let you know though hehe.

He'll make you the most beautiful pastries ever seen. They are so intricately made and his creativity never runs out of new ideas.

He'll have the forest animals dance around you sometimes when y'all go on hikes or have birds bring you flowers sometimes.

Mai: Okay so here's my plan for my books and stuff. I'm gonna try and finish up the first chapter for my Haikyuu scenarios, get to some of the requests I have here, and I want to start writing this book I've had in mind for a while. How would y'all feel about a yandere story? If you'd like it I'll do:


.dream smp (I really wanna do something with them but I don't know what yet)



.tokyo ghoul

.if you want you can suggest a character/fandom and I might do it

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