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Mai: Okay so I wanna go ahead and apologize, this will most likely not be exactly what you wanted. It's been forever since I've been involved with the FNAF fandom, ever since the 3rd one came out actually. Also I sincerely apologize for the long wait on this, it's kind of just sat in my drafts halfway done.

This is very short but I was kinda getting a feel for it. It's an amazing concept.

Requested by: @IMightFUYL

BNHA FNAF Sister Location crossover

Iida x reader

Your POV

I slowly crept forward trying not to bring to much unwanted attention to myself. I slowly leaned forward and my eyes had locked on its target. My brother.

He sat there a sense of nervousness filled the air around him. He seemed to be trying to speed through all his tasks. Hah! I bet he wants this night to be over with.

"Y/n what are you doing?" A sharp whisper rang in my ear. Turning my head, I couldn't help the exasperated sigh that left me. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with him but I was doing something hella important.

"Iida shut ya mouth, I'm doing hot bish shiz!" I whisper yelled at him.

Iida gave me a confused look with a slight tilt of his head. I just shook my own and went back to stalking Mike.

I sat for a few more minutes in silence until deciding it was finally time to make my move. My boyfriend had reached out to me but it was too late I was already in motion.

I ran towards Mike and shouted " I know that's you lil bro!!!"

Mike's head snapped towards me. "Go back to your fucking place!" His voice boomed as he jumped.

"Aww I love you too lil bro" right as I was finishing my statement Iida grabbed me and turned me go him.

" What on earth is going on?" He asked thoroughly confused.

"Oh I'm just messing with my brother." I smiled at Iida who just seemed more confused.

"Wait do you're an Afton?" Iida questioned.

"Nah derrrr couldn't tell." I facepalmed. For the smarter of us two he sure can be slow on the uptake.

Iida stood frozen for a sec.

Uh oh I think I broke him.

"You good?" I asked poking him.

"How did I not see it sooner. It all makes sense. So Todoroki was right! I'll have to apologise to him later." Iida coughed regaining his composure.

"Just what in the hell do you two discuss?" I ask a little dumbfounded by the fact they make conspiracies over me.

"N-NOTHING INAPPROPRIATE I PROMISE!!!" Iida blushed trying to clear up any misconceptions I may have had.

"That wasn't what I was thinking but that's good to know. " I laughed strutting away to find another poor victim to harass with my random impulses.

BNHA Class 1-A Boyfriend/Girlfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now