How They Ask You Out

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Mina screamed the question across the lunchroom since you were sitting by Izuku. You turned blood red and stuttered. Your brother Izuku dragged you over to her where you could answer her properly.

How it went

"Yo! (Your name) will you go out with me?! Pretty please with sugar on top! I want you to be my snack! Forget that last sentence it sounds weird! So what do ya say?! " Mina shouts.

*insert your nervous rambling that you had picked up from Izuku*

💰💰 Yaoyorozu💰💰
She wrote you a lovely letter that made you cry in joy. She saw you crying and ran over to you. She asked what's wrong but you just hugged her then kissed her.

🙈🙈 Hagakure🙈🙈
She had to say her crush during a truth or dare game. She was later on dared to ask you out. You accepted gladly. She was over joyed

🐸🐸 Tsuyu🐸🐸
She told you her feelings bluntly after the dekusquad pushed her towards you. You denied at first in fear of your parents but eventually couldn't stand it any longer. You then ran up to her, wrapped your arms around her neck and kissed her. It was an adorable site to see.

❇️❇️ Uraraka❇️❇️
First she asked y'all's parents if it was okay with them since the both of you weren't blood related. At first they were against it but neither of them had valid points as to why y'all couldn't be together so they then supported her. She took you to a yaoi cafe (if your not into that then change it. my friend suggested that idea). As you two ate the pastries y'all ordered you happily watched the act that was on display. Though what you didn't expect was when the boys kissed for her to turn your head and kiss you. After that she asked you to be her girlfriend. You accepted in utter shock.

🎵🎵 Jirou🎵🎵
She sang to you 'You Are The Reason by Calum Scott'.  As she was singing while playing the piano you could tell she was slightly uncommon with singing a love song. So you decided to start singing with her. Once the song was done she properly asked you out. You teased her before accepting

👊😳 Midoriya👊😳
This sweet innocent roll doesn't exactly ask you out. He winds up asking out Uraraka. Your heart gets shattered. You still love him though and when around your sister and Midoriya you put up a fake smile. (Since this has happened I'll put in a special chapter for when Izuku does ask you out but it'll be later on.)

❄️🔥 Todoroki❄️🔥
He also asks out someone else. That person just happens to be your sister Yaoyorozu. Same as with Midoriya scenario your heart broken but when around them you fake a smile. (I'll also make a special chapter for him)

He politely goes up and asks you to be his. You faint only to wake up in his arms and he carries you to your house. (Just so you know, you and him worked on y'all's project at your place. He does not stalk you)

💣💥 Bakugou💣💥
He wouldn't ask you out. Well not until Kirishima made a plan to get y'all together. This is how it went.
Bakusquad + you go to park
Bakusquad had set up the perfect date setting with a view of the river.
Bakugou scares of his friends.
After eating he asks you out and you accept.

😎😎 Kirishima😎😎
He did it the manliest way possible. During a villain attack you got stuck under some pillars while fighting  at the USJ (you in de city part with Oijiro). When the villains ran off he found you. You had passed out from blood loss. When you woke up he was beside your bed asleep. Not long after you woke up he did to. Kirishima then continued to get up hug you as he sobbed out his feelings for you. You of course pulled away and kissed him to calm him down which worked perfectly.

Mineta complimented you. He slowly built up your trust before asking you out. You accepted Mineta's confession but what you didn't know was Shinso was going to ask you out as well. He had even written the perfect letter for you. Though upon hearing about your and Mineta's relationship he hid the letter in his room. He then on kept his love for you a secret and supported you. As well as warned you about Mineta.

He took you out on a date and asked you out on the beach at night. It was scaringly romantic for this emo lookin boi.

😅😅 Oijiro😅😅
You asked him out. He passed out. You laughed your ass off. When he woke up you kissed him and asked him the same question. He nodded his head frantically before picking you up, taking you to his dorm, and cuddling with you.

🐥🖤 Tokoyami🐥🖤
This bird boi made a poem about his love for you. It was sweet and cliche. You then agreed to become his girlfriend.

I walk but go no where
I see but can't go there
From these fake smiles to "happy" faces
Their taking me down to darker places
Though when I saw your smile
I hoped you'd stay a while
For the first time I could move
It was all thanks to you
Every passing day my heart grows bigger
Love getting thicker
So I'm not gonna lie
I was wondering if you would be mine?

(I made this up. I don't think it turned out well. Let me know what you think)

He was attempting to pull a prank but it ended up with y'all two on the ground. You had tripped and fell on him. That's when he blurted out his feelings in the heat of the moment. You just leaned down and kissed him.

He straight up made a speech with  pick up lines. You couldn't deny his adorableness and wound up letting him take you out on a date. (I would make a speech out of only pick up lines but I don't even know where to start)

✨✨ Aoyama✨✨
He told you how fabulous you were. Then he said somethings. . . this is how it went.

"Hey y/n you are a dazzling star that would just go perfectly with me since I'm the glorious sun"

"Umm. . . was that an insult, compliment or were you trying to ask me out? "

"_(:3 」∠)_ . . . the last one *insert small cries of how he thought he offended you*"

He made you a cake. He put icing on it as well as sprinkles that spelt.

Will you please be my girlfriend?

You nodded your head before kissing him. You made sure to find ways to distract Sato from realizing you hadn't eaten the cake. It worked and y'all went on with y'all's day as Lovers.

He wrote you a love letter. He placed it in your locker and ran away with a large blush. He went to his locker to find a letter as well. It was from you. Not long after y'all both ran to each other in confusion with large blushes. It was adorable to watch according to everyone else in the hallway.

Mai: hello um I just wanted to say that your all amazing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I know how life can get so just take it and set it aflame with y'all's hot ass bodies. (I don't know why I put this here I just felt like I should)

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