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Mai(gonna start putting my nickname at the beginning of author notes) : The reader is in their early 20s


🐈💤 Aizawa🐈💤 Eraserhead
When he's jealous he normally scares them off by activating his quirk. You find it quite cute.

When your jealous you will call him daddy when you refer to him. To most people it's innocent because they think y'all are father and daughter. To him it has a totally different meaning and effect. ( ͡°❥ ͡°)

🥇🥇 Toshinori🥇🥇All Might
When he's jealous he'll hold your hand. If that doesn't work he'll embrace you. If they still don't get the hint he will either kiss you or snuggle into you until they get the idea.

When your jealous you slowly sneak your hand up his shirt and to where his scar is. You then rub it and he'll normally turn to you and give you his undivided attention. You love it.

💦💦 Nemuri💦💦 Midnight
When she's jealous she spanks you then death glares the person who is taking your attention.

When your jealous you try to get her attention by saying lewd things that you know turns her on. She then forgets what ever she was associating with and spends time with you.

🔊🔊 Yamada🎙️🎙️ Present Mic
He surprisingly will whisper into your ear about about how if you be a good girl and pay more attention to him he'll take you out to eat at *insert favorite place to eat*. That usually works but if there is a person flirting he French kisses you.

When your jealous you call him master. He literally runs  over to you and gives you attention like your an animal it's quite funny.

Favorite feature~

Your boobs/ass. To him he likes how they bounce and are squishy but he would never say that out loud.

Yours is the scar under his eye. It had always interested you for some reason. (these parts are where I randomly pick features)

🥇🥇 Toshinori🥇🥇
His favorite feature is your eyes. The way they shine in determination always seems to catch him off guard. Their just so beautiful to him.

Yours is the scar on his side. He's very self conscious about it though and it makes you sad that he is. That scar just show the lengths he'll go to save people.

(I chose the scar again welp I guess it's just a thing now whoopsie)

💦💦 Nemuri💦💦
Your ass. She thinks it's perfect to whip and everything else she could come up with.

Yours is her nose. When she's being very dominant all you have to do is rub it and she kinda. . . shuts off? She just powers down for a little before coming back to reality.

Your everything. He's a cheesy romantic. He said it's all to perfect to even be able to choose from.

Yours is his voice. To others it may be annoying but to you it reminds you your not alone anymore. His loudness makes the pain of silence and abandonment go away.

Likes to kiss~

🐈💤Aizawa 🐈💤
The thighs and neck. He says their perfect for kissing. Though if y'all are around people then he likes to kiss your nose.

🥇🥇 Toshinori🥇🥇
He loves to kiss you on the lips. He thinks it portrays his love for you perfectly which it does.

💦💦 Nemuri💦💦
The neck. Cause then she can leave hickeys and everyone else will know who you belong to.

🔊🎙️ Yamada🔊🎙️
The forehead because he thinks it's sweet and nice.

BNHA Class 1-A Boyfriend/Girlfriend ScenariosUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum