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Mai : I've been given too much power. I drew what came to my head and did what ever the thing above is. Oof.

remember I'm writing this from female perspectives. If your a male, trans, non-binary, gender fluid, etc you can change change whatever would fit you best. Ex: if it's a girl and it says adopted you can change it to not being an adopted child..... Sorry if I accidentally offended any of you.
Also this is just stating how many kids y'all have pretty much. I will be doing another chapter involving y'all's beautiful children

2/ one of them has no left arm

💰💰 Yaoyorozu💰💰
1/ adopted

🙈🙈 Hagakure🙈🙈
Twins /adopted

🐸🐸 Tsuyu🐸🐸
3/ adopted one has ADHD

❇️❇️ Uraraka❇️❇️
5/ adopted (she really likes kids)

🎵🎵 Jirou🎵🎵
None yet. Y'all haven't had the time to get/have one yet. (Sounds like y'all are buying a kid off the black market (●__●). . . oopsie)

👊😳 Midoriya👊😳
2/ one has a sickness that will eventually cause them to not see

❄️🔥 Todoroki❄️🔥
3/ two are twins the other is the oldest

1/ they were born mute which gets fixed by their quirk.

💣💥 Bakugou💣💥
3/  3 disappointments on his part. 3 gifts on your part. He does  love them though he pretends not to.

😎😎 Kirishima😎😎
1/ born to early causing them to only grow to 4'5 (? Idk thats my cousins excuse for being short).

2/ one is Shinso's the other was Mineta's
(Let me explain this real quick. When you and Mineta first got together you had promised him a second chance if he messed up. Years after UA he reminded you of it and so you explained to Shinso. He knew you always kept your promises no matter what and understood. You had your first child with Mineta your second with Shinso. Mineta had to pay child support. If you're here for Mineta then I guess change it up how ever you would like)

1/ the child is the inbodiment of an angel

😅😅 Oijiro😅😅
Twins/ polar opposites in personality it's so funny to see two that look alike but are soooooooo different, sure most twins do have different personalities but your kids took it to an extreme

🐥🖤 Tokoyami🐥🖤
2/ adopted you weren't able to have kids

None/ he said wait until he becomes a responsible human being then he'd give/get you all the kids you want (GET IN THE DAMN VAN! -sorry)

2/ one was born with their heart on the outside of their ribcage and the other was born with two different eye colors (which is awesome)  and y'all love them with all your hearts plus the universe.

✨✨ Aoyama✨✨
1/ the baby literally was born sparkling Aoyama bragged about it to everyone lol

1 adopted/ you couldn't have kids due to all the damage you put yourself through and a battle with Nomu

3/ one is deaf, one is paralyzed from the waist down, and the oldest is just fine. The reason as to why two are disabled is because of a car wreck you were in on your way to UA to teach while carrying them in the womb. Or if you can't have kids then you wanted to adopt the kids who no one else would.

BNHA Class 1-A Boyfriend/Girlfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now