Appointment in Samarra: Part One

Start from the beginning

"Eva, my assistant," Dr. Robert introduces her.

"Hi," Dean chuckles nervously.

"Hop right up," Dr. Robert grins and pats the medical table.

"Wait, have you done this a lot?" you interrupt nervously.

"Oh, many, many times. Yes!"

"What's your success rate?"

"Oh, excellent—almost 75%. So, should we get the, uh, preliminaries out of the way?"

"75? That's not an odd I like. Dean!" you say and look at him helplessly.

Dean barely looks at you as he takes out an envelope full of money. With that, there is another envelope addressed to Ben. Why the fuck would he have that? He would only have that if he knew he wasn't coming back.

"Listen if something... goes wrong... would you mail this for me?"

"Dean!" you say angrily. "No, I don't like this. Please, don't do this."

"I have to. It's for Sam."

It's for Sam. It's always for fucking Sam. What about your feelings? He should be thinking of you now because you have a kid now. Before; you would have been fine, but your kid won't be if Dean doesn't make it back.

"Sure. Would've thought you had something for your brother, Sam."

"If I don't make it back, nothing I say is gonna mean a damn thing to him."

"Stop saying that, Dean," you hiss and turn to the doctor. "He's going to make it back. You better bring him back because so help me God if you don't..."

You let that question hang in the air as Eva gets Dean set up. He lays on the table, and she doesn't take special care when she pokes the IV needle into his arms. He winces and yelps, but she just rolls her eyes.

"Don't be a baby."

"You know, a little bedside manner would be nice. That's the father of my child."

"Okay, Dean, you have three minutes okay? Are you ready?" Dr. Robert asks as he brings over the syringe with the chemical that will stop his heart.

"Please make it back to me," you whisper and run your thumb lightly over his cheekbone.

"I will."

"Okay here we go," he states and inserts the chemical.

Dean seems fine for the first few seconds before rolling his eyes back and going limp. Tears spill out of your eyes, but you don't take your hand away from his face at all. The EKG machine flatlines, and you don't hold back your sorrow.

"No pulse and no sinus rhythm," Eva states and starts the timer.

"He's dead," Dr. Robert confirms.

"Come on, Dean. Please make it back to me," you whisper in his ear.

The room fills with an uncomfortable silence as you wait for the clock to run out. This has better work because you're going to rain pain down on Dr. Robert if this doesn't work. He can't leave you alone with soulless Sam, he will kill you. If Dean is gone, then there is nothing stopping him from offing you and your baby girl. He has to make it back.

Please make it back.

"Four, three, two... now," Eva states.

Her and Dr. Robert gets the paddles ready to shock him back alive, but it doesn't seem to work. They try it two more times, but it's not working.

"Dean!" you exclaim emotionally.

It's already been seven minutes—four over the appropriate time. Dr. Roberts and Eva are clearly panicking, so you have to take matters into your own hands.

"Move!" you growl and push them out of the way.

Your eyes glow bright blue and small electric balls of magic form at both palms of your hands. You raise them over your head and slam down them on Dean's chest, watching as his body absorbs your magic. It doesn't work the first time, so you do this process over and over again until you know he's okay.

"Come on Dean!" you grunt and slam your hands down once again.

Dr. Roberts and Eva watch with wide eyes. They must not know you're a light witch. Dean is still lying on the table with his eye closed, and you make sure this burst of magic is the biggest one. As soon as your hands make contact with his chest, he shoots up with a loud gasp.

"Oh, thank Moses," Dr. Robert sighs graciously.

"Yeah, no thanks to you," you glare.

"You couldn't have given me five more seconds?" he coughs.

"Dean, you've been gone for seven minutes," you inform.

"I was?"

"Mm-hmm. I thought for sure death had you by the twins."

"Come on, we're leaving. We're never coming back here again," you help Dean up and glare at the doctor angrily. "Find another hobby, doctor."

Dean's crazy if he thinks he's going to drive after giving you a scare like this, so you snatch his keys without question. He allows you because he is too tired to even do anything, much less drive.

"Dean, tell me what happened. Did you talk to Death?" you ask.

"I did."

"And? Come on, I'm not Sam and I can handle it."

"He's offering to get Sam's soul and put it back in him. He's going to put up a wall so that he doesn't remember hell or what he went through," he winces.

"At what cost? We both know damn well he isn't doing this out of the goodness of his heart," you state and stare at the road in front of you.

"He wants me to wear the ring."

"His ring? As in, he wants you to be Death? For how long?"

"24 hours."

"You're not going to do it, are you?"

"I have to. If I want to save Sam, I have to," he sighs.

"Of course, if it's for Sam," you say hollowly, but Dean doesn't notice.

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