Let It Bleed: Final Part

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You take one step to the car when you feel a liquid run down your leg. Well, that's not the correct assumption–it's more like a water balloon popped inside you, and the water is gushing out of your fucking vagina. Well, you hope it's water and not something serious like blood. The best case scenario is that you've just peed yourself. Worst case scenario is that it's blood and something is seriously wrong with you and your daughter.

"Dad?" you ask, pressing your lips into a thin line.

"What is it?"

"Please tell me I didn't just pee my pants."


"It's either that or my water just broke. Whatever it is, please tell me it's not blood."

Your dad looks down and sees a big puddle of water on the ground, and your legs are shiny from the liquid.

"It's not blood. I think your water did break."

"I thought I was supposed to get contracti–Fuck!"

You gasp at the strong pressure that starts from the top of your uterus to the bottom. It's like someone is squeezing it like you would if you were squeezing toothpaste out of the bottle. You grab the back of your dad's truck and bend slightly as if it would help the pain. Your dad immediately rushes to your side and grabs your hand, but it does nothing for you. As quick as it appeared, it stopped, and you breathe heavily. If they hurt this bad in the beginning, you don't know what it'll be like later on.

"You need to go to a hospital. Let me take you."

"No, I can get myself there. You need to go to Eleanor and see what she knows. I can walk," you groan in pain.

"Like hell. Get in the damn truck. I'll drop you off," he says.

You waddle over to your dad's truck and get inside, and as soon as you sit, pain erupts in your lower back. It's much worse than the pain you were experiencing before, and you cry out. Your dad starts the truck and merges into traffic. The pain isn't getting any better with no position, and you realize it's not the position, it's where your feet are placed. Maybe if you had your feet on a higher platform, then you could feel a lot better. It's something like 'it doesn't hurt to try'. You shuffle down your seat until your ass is basically off the seat. Your dad is about to ask you what the hell you're doing, but soon realizes it. You plant your feet firmly on the dashboard and breathe heavily, using the new position to your advantage.

"You're going to be okay," your dad says, but you shake your head.

"Just drive."

He presses on the gas pedal, and he practically breaks all the street laws to get you to the hospital in time.

"Shit! This fucking hurts!" you moan in pain.

"Are you sure you don't want me to be with you?" he asks as he comes screeching to a halt.

"No, you need to be with Eleanor right now. Crowley is still a top priority right now. Please call Dean. I don't want to do this alone," you start to cry. "I don't want Sam or anyone else. I want Dean. I want him back, dad. Please get him over here."

"I will call him until he picks up. You won't be alone."

"Okay, here I go," you groan in pain and get out of the car.

It could be worse... your magic is helping with the pain, but even childbirth is too much for it right now. Your dad watches you hobble into the hospital with tears in your eyes. He is going to smack Dean upside the head if he doesn't get his ass down here right now to be with you. Once he knows you're going to be okay, he drives off in a hurry to get to Eleanor.

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