My Heart Will Go On: Part Four

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You're getting more and more headaches the more your old memories come to the surface. Why aren't Sam and Dean getting theirs? Is it because they aren't witches? Is it your magic forcing you to remember what is and to forget what isn't supposed to be? Whatever is making you remember these memories, they are coming more often...

... like now. You're staring at the cigarette holder in the backseat, and the memories come flooding in.

You ran with Sam to the side of his car and opened the door. John always kept it unlocked for a reason you didn't know of but was thankful he did. You let Sam go in the backseat first and you went in after him.

"Okay, Sam, here." You handed one of the toy soldiers to him and he grabbed it.

"What are we going to do with them?"

"We are hiding them in here," you looked around and saw there was an opening of some kind on the side of the door bed you smiled widely. Maybe this opening was for cups or cigarettes but you didn't care. It was used for something else now. "We will keep those hidden in here and where you go, these toy soldiers will go." He put his soldier next to yours and you smiled at him.

"Wow! You're so smart!" He giggled.

"Now you can't tell Dean or your dad because they will make you take them out." You said to him.

"Our secret." He held up his pinky.

"Our secret." You wrapped your pinky around his. A promise you always kept to him.

The headaches get worse, and you can't use too much magic or else you won't have enough to protect your child with. You groan in pain, and Sam looks back to see this happening to you again.

"Y/N?" he asks, and Dean looks back at you.

Dean didn't say a word and you didn't know if that made you feel worse or better but you didn't say anything back. When he got to the motel he and his family were staying at, he parked but didn't get out. You moved to get out but his words stopped you.

"Want me to hit him?"

"What?" You looked over at him with a frown.

"For treating you like that. He shouldn't get away with it." You sighed and bit your lip, not wanting fresh tears to fall.

"I deserve it." You whispered.

"Like hell you do, sweetheart. No one should treat you like that. I wish I could give you more than you deserve. You don't deserve this life that we live and you definitely don't deserve the crap other men send your way." You looked at him with wide eyes. Why was he telling you this now? Does that mean he liked you?

"Come on, Dean. My mom is gone and it's my fault she died. I watched her as her life drained away and I did nothing to help."

"You were 7. What could you do against a monster?" He was right but you shook your head.

"I just wish that sometimes it was me instead of her." You sighed. You never really thought about death. It when people keep teasing you, it builds and builds and it overflows.

"No, don't you dare think like that." Dean made you look at him, his big hand on your cheek, wiping away the tears you didn't know were falling.

"What do you want me to say?" You looked at him, leaning into his touch.

"Nothing. Don't say anything. You are very beautiful and smart and kind and funny. You know me better than anyone and frankly? You're the only girl I let in. Please don't think like that." You sat there in silence, just staring at him.

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