And Then There Were None: Part One

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You said you were done hunting, but every time something comes up, then you're sucked back into it like you never declared that you quit. Sam and Dean can't stop hunting on your behalf, so you're forced to go with them as they try to save the world. You can stay with your dad, but knowing Sam and Dean are out there without your help would literally kill you. If something were to happen to them and you knew you could have prevented it, then you don't know what you will do.

So, while they are talking about monsters that have been slaughtered by hunters up and down the I-80, you know this is something the brothers will have to deal with. You're going to try and stay out of it, but you never know what is going to happen.

"I've been getting blasts from hunters all week," your dad states and uses a map to show where he's talking about. "Nest of vamps, werewolf dance party, ghouls, more ghouls, ghoul-wraith smorgasbord, and six shifters in which two hunters died trying to take them out."

"Is it just me, or is that a straight kick-line down I-80?" Dean notices.


"Looks to me like it's a Sherman march monster mash."

"Yeah, but where are they marching to?" you wonder. Your dad circles another point on the map indicating there is another spot that needs your attention. "What is there?"

"A guy bashes in his family's heads."

"You're staying here," Dean says as he gathers up his things.

"What? No. I'm coming with you."

"You officially quit. If you come with, then you haven't quit."

"I hate to say it, Y/N, but he's right," Sam sighs.

"Look, I can still help. I won't hunt or touch a gun for that matter. But if I can help, don't you think I owe it to you and these people to try?" you sigh.

"If I say stay in the car, then you stay in the car. If I say don't hunt, then don't hunt," Dean says.

You know you don't have to listen to him, but you are carrying his child. You also owe it to your daughter to protect her at all costs. It's the only reason why you aren't going to argue with Dean about this. You're not the only one who gets a say in your life right now.

All you have to do is not become a backseat hunter with this thing and trust that Sam and Dean can do their jobs. Luckily, your dad is coming with because if you're going to be out of the game, then they are going to need lol the back up they can get.


The first stop on this hunt is to talk to the guy that bashed his family's heads in with a hammer. He obviously got caught, so you're at the police station with the three men to talk to him to see what made him do that when he doesn't even have a speeding ticket on his record. It's not like someone like him to do what he did without a supernatural reason.

"It's like I told the cops. I blacked out," Rick sighs for the hundredth time.

"Well, just tell us what you do remember. Please?" you ask nicely.

"I was driving my regular route, and then I woke up in my truck at work," he stutters as he tries to recount the events.

"Where's work?"

"Starlight Cannery. I didn't remember how I got there so I called home. When no one picked up. I-I went there, and I found—" he stops short when he remembers all of his family blunted with a hammer.

"Anything unusual before you blacked out? Sights, smells, and anything off the routine?" your dad asks.

"No. It was a basic night. I was giving some kid from the truck stop a ride. She took off. I-I think she took off," he whispers to himself.

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