Clap Your Hands if You Believe: Part One

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Some might not think it's fair how you ended things with Dean. All he wants is a family with you, and as much as you want that too, you can't seem to accept him that easily. All you ever did was chase after him, and you're simply not doing it anymore. You've waited your whole life to be with him, and he's never waited once. It's not fair that you put in all this work and Dean is only there for the free ride. Maybe you two will be together, but only if Dean truly proves to you that you are what he wants. If so, he's going to have to let go of Lisa and Ben.

Yes, Ben is his son, and you don't expect him to just cut his own flesh and blood out of his life, but he has to be done with Lisa. You're not sure how long that is going to take, but you can't guarantee that you'll be waiting for him once it finally does happen–and you know it's going to happen. Lisa and Ben were never part of the hunter's life. Dean can't expect them to drop everything just like he did for his dad. They had a life without him, and they can continue to do it.

Ever since you told Dean off, you haven't been able to sleep properly. Sam isn't anywhere to be found, but it's not like you care. Dean is dead asleep in his own bed, but you're outside of the motel room, sitting on the bench with your phone in hand. Your feet are flat on the bench so that your knees stick up in front of you. You're able to rest your head on both knees as you watch the world pass you by–people going to work, people running with their dogs, business opening up, and older people taking a stroll before the morning rush.

Thoughts of your dad rush through your brain because he deserves to know that you're carrying his grandchild. You're not sure when you're going to see him next, and you might be showing by then. He's going to want to hear it from you before seeing it on you. Without lifting your head off your knees, you dial your father and put him on speakerphone so you don't have to move when you speak to him.

It's five in the morning where you're at, so that means it's only six in the morning where your dad is at. It depends on what he was doing the night before, but usually, he's up at this time. The phone rings five times before your father answers, clearly half asleep.

"Hello?" he asks groggily.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you? I can call back," you say softly.

He hears the tone of your voice and knows you need him right now. He wipes the sleep from his face and gets up, stifling a yawn.

"No, I needed to get up anyway," he clears his throat and heads to the kitchen to make himself a cup of joe. Once he gets a gulp-full of coffee in him, he's wide awake. "Okay. now I'm ready."

"Look, I wanted to tell you this in person, but I'm not sure when the next time I'll see you is going to be, and by then, it might be too late," you begin.

"Y/N, what's going on? Are you okay?"

"I'm pregnant... again, but this time I've decided to keep her."

"Wow, I didn't expect that. I know how sad the last time made you, so congratulations. However, judging by your tone, you're not that excited."

"I am, dad. I truly am. It's just the baby is Dean's, and he thought we were going to get back together because of it."

"As opposed to whose?" he asks.

"Excuse me?" you ask and lift your head, but keep your feet planted.

"You said the baby is Dean's. As opposed to whose?"

Shit, he doesn't know you were shacking up with Sam while Dean was with Lisa. If he knew, he'd freak the fuck out.

"No one. I'm just saying that Dean knows now and he thought we were getting back together."

"But I thought that's what you wanted."

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