The French Mistake: Part Three

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The next morning, you and the brothers are at the airport well before the day has even started. You have to get here first if you want to go to set and do the spell. It's best if you do it without anyone there, so you have to get there before anyone else arrives, which means you have to do this at the ass crack of dawn.

Sam is getting the package while you, Clif, and Dean are waiting in the car. You're nervous because as soon as you get to work, you'll have to face Misha, and you don't know what you'll do or say when he asks you why you didn't come home last night. He has been calling you non-stop since you woke up, and you have to dodge yet another call from him.

"Maybe you should answer the guy," Dean whispers to you.

"I don't know how to get him off my back, Dean."

"You need to answer him or else he might send a search party for his pregnant wife."

Misha calls again, and this time, you do answer it.

"My God, Meredith, where the hell are you? I've been calling and texting, and you didn't come home last night. I was ready to call the police," he exclaims.

"No, don't do that. I'm fine, Misha. Really, I am. Stop calling. I'll see you at work," you say and hang up before he can get another word in. Clif looks at you through the rear-view mirror, and you just shake your head at him. "Not a word, Clif."

"Yes, ma'am," he nods. "So, I don't mean to pry, but why are we picking up packages at 8:00 A.M. that haven't cleared customs yet?"

"Just saving time," Dean answers just as Sam enters the car with the package in hand.

"Alright, here we go."

"We're not doing anything illegal, are we?" Clif asks and drives off.

"Would it make you feel better if we said no?" you ask.


Clif doesn't ask any more questions as he takes you back to set. No one is here yet, so it's dark and empty–just the way you like and need it. You three quickly head inside and into the fake room that's meant to replicate your dad's study. You turn on the lights and quickly head over to the desk to sort this thing out. You get everything sorted out, but you're quickly interrupted by Bob Singer, the director, and more crew members filing in for the day. The set lights turn on, exposing you three inside your dad's fake house.

"We finish today in twelve hours if it kills us all. Get 'a' and 'b' cam for scene twelve. What is this?" Bob says when he spots you three. "Here for the first run-through, before anyone else? Dedication."

"Uh, can I talk to you for a second?" you ask, stepping aside with him. "Um, we're gonna need the set cleared for, on the safe side, an hour or so."

"You need it cleared?"

"Yeah, me and Jensen and Jared were going to do some actor stuff," you chuckle.

"Meredith, we're thrilled to see you collaborating so creatively, and your enthusiasm is refreshing. We will clear this set exactly when we shoot the two and three-eighths pages we are scheduled to shoot on this set. So, you do your 'actor stuff' and we'll do our 'camera stuff', okay? But, please take it easy on my great-granddaughter okay?"

You chuckle nervous and nod, leaving his side to go back to the brothers who are sitting in their actor chairs. Misha comes walking in, and you mentally prepare yourself for the fight you know is going to home–a fight you have no business having.

"Meredith, can I talk to you please?"

"Sure," you sigh and step off to the side with him.

"Look, I get that you need your space, and I am happy to give it to you, but I really don't appreciate you talking to me like that. I am your husband, and I don't deserve anything less than what we promised each other on our wedding day."

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