Let It Bleed: Part One

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It's finally here... your due date is only just a few days away, and you couldn't be more happy and scared at the same time. You've been so uncomfortable these past few weeks that the only thing you could do is sit and complain about how much pain you're in. You should be taking it easy, but until your water breaks, you're going to continue to do what you need to do in order to help the ones you love.

Most pregnant women at your stage would do nothing but rest, but you've already established that you're not a normal woman–or mom. You have a duty and obligation to your loved ones to protect them from whatever comes their way. Crowley is a threat to you and your family, so you have to do something now before it's too late.

You're at the stage in your pregnancy where everything makes you uncomfortable–sitting, lying, Sam, Dean, Crowley, walking, and even sleeping. You can't do things you love anymore because your daughter demands all of your attention. It's getting to the point where you are this close to going to the hospital and faking your pain just to get a c-section. She's pushing on all of your organs and your important parts, so you're looking forward to having her out already.

"Hey, you doing okay?" your dad asks.

"No, I am so uncomfortable. This is your fault," you grumble at Dean.

"I'll gladly take that blame," he chuckles, but you're not in the mood to joke around.

Sam sits at your dad's desk, Dean sits with you on the couch with a book in his hands, and your dad enters the room with something in his hands.

"Well, you know what, at least you tried," Sam sighs.

"Yeah, a fat lot of good it did. Why did he even come, right?" Dean scoffs and slams his book shut.

"Well, Samuel's journals are pointless. I mean, I'm sorry, but uh, Jebediah Campbell has shit to tell me about how to stop Cas from cracking Purgatory," Sam groans.

"Well actually, it's not about the journals we have, it's about the one we don't," your dad says.

"What do you mean?" you sigh and place a hand on your swelling stomach.

"Well, that's the bad news. Our pal Cas didn't stop in just to mend fences."

"What did he do?"

"He stole something... the journal of Moishe Campbell."

"Moishe?" Sam asks.

"Of the New York Campbells."

"Well, uh, so we gotta get it back, right?"

"Or just read the copy I'd already made," he says and hands Sam the paper that he has in his hands. "Hi, glad to meet you. Bobby Singer. Paranoid bastard."

"Let's figure this out soon," you groan in slight discomfort and pain.

"You know, we got this. You can go lay down and take a nap or something," Sam suggests.

"Excuse me?" you snap.

"W-well, I was just thinking–"

"Do me a favor Sam, and don't just think. I'd very much appreciate thinking about something other than this baby who is currently pressing on my intestines and kidneys, so just give me a damn book."

"Yes ma'am," he nods and hands one over to you.

You open the book and place it on top of your stomach so you wouldn't have to hold it.

"Would you like some tea?" Dean asks, careful not to awaken the beast.

"Yes please," you nod.

He gets up while your dad and Sam leaf through the pages of the missing journal and other books that might tell you how to stop Purgatory from opening. Dean makes everyone something to drink, and he brings back the drinks in small mugs. He hands you your tea, and you take comfort in the smell and heat of the steam. It immediately relaxes you, and you feel ten times better than you did a few minutes ago.

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