Weekend at Bobby's: Final Part

1.9K 53 23

Pairing: Eventual Dean x Reader

Word Count: 1.4k

Warnings: angst, canon violence


It wasn't hard to find Crowley's bones. As soon as you told the locals his name, they knew exactly where to direct you guys. Apparently, Crowley, or Fergus MacLeod was an important person back then that his name traveled through generations. One local said that Crowley died selling his soul to the devil just to get an extra three inches added onto his cock. As soon as you heard that, you almost three up just like Dean did, four fucking times, on the plane. You swear, he can be a real baby sometimes.

Much like a regular ghost, you dug up the bones normally. Instead of burning them, you just laid them to rest and waited until your father told you what to do with them. He's on speakerphone, so you knew exactly when your dad tossed Crowley the phone.

"Hiya, Crowley," Dean chuckles.

"Or should we say, Fergus," you snicker.

"Dean. Y/N. It's been a long time. We should get together."

"Sure. We'll have to do that when I get back."


"Yeah. Me, Sam and Y/N have gone international. In fact, we're in your neck of the woods. Did you really used to wear a skirt?"

"A kilt. I had very athletic calves. What's the game?" he sighs.

"Dominoes. In fact we just dug yours up."

"This is ridiculous. The whole burning bones thing is a myth," the demon says to your dad.

"I know an employee of yours who would disagree."

"That's where she got to."

"You demons. You think you're something special. But you're just spirits. Twisted, perverted, and evil spirits. But at the end of the day, you're nothing but ghosts with an ego. We torch your bones, you go up in flames."

"You hear that, Crowley?" Dean starts to flick his lighter, making a small but noticeable noise. "That's me flicking my Bic for you."

"Your bones for my soul. Going once... Going twice."

"Bollocks," Crowley curses and tosses the phone to the ground.

You're not sure what is happening, but something is happening. Hopefully Crowley took the deal because your dad isn't telling you otherwise. A few more moments pass by, and that's when you hear Crowley's voice come from behind you three.

"I believe those are mine," he says, carrying a duffel bag to put the bones in.

"You know, now that I think about it, maybe I'll just napalm your ass anyhow," Dean says and clicks the lighter back on.

"You know what? That's the best idea I've heard all day," you agree.

"Dean, he's a dick, but a deal's a deal," Sam shakes his head as he clicks it off.

"I don't need you to fight my battles for me, Moose," Crowley glares up at the giant. "Get bent."

The demon walks over to his bones and kneels down to inspect them before putting them in his bag. Once he has everything he needs, he stands back up angrily.

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I've a little hell to raise."

"Wait, Crowley," you chuckle and head over to him.

Supernatural Series Rewrite- Season 6Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ