The Man Who Knew Too Much: Part One

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Still no baby. Your contractions are worse the longer you go on, but you're managing the pain... well, you thought you were. There is no pain to manage, and you look around your hospital room in confusion. You're still pregnant, but you don't feel any different than you did when before she was conceived. Why do you feel this way? What is going on?

"Hello?" you ask into the air as if there is someone near that will hear you.

You reach down to press the button that calls for the nurse, but frown when you realize there is nothing there. You made sure to have the button in your hands at all times just in case you needed something or if something was wrong. Where the hell did it go?

You peel back the blanket to see if you can't go searching for it, but you can't get out of bed. You can move your legs within the confined space of the bed, but you can't leave it. It's like there is an invisible wall preventing you from getting out. You try to get out on the other side, but the same thing happens to you.

"Hello? Is someone there?" you yell.

The only response you get is silence, and it greets you every single time you open your mouth to say something. If not for this unusual situation, you would think this is a perfectly good hospital room. The pictures on the wall are the same, the curtains on the window, the color of the paint, the pattern of the chairs, and your belongings on the bedside table–wait, who is that?

There is a picture of a little girl on the table, and you lean in as close as you can get to see who it is. You don't recognize her at first because she is too far from the cameras, but then you know exactly who she is. The little girl in the picture starts moving and playing in the field she's in with a smile on her face. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing a gentle breeze, and she plays catch with a big dog who jumps around happily.

The little girl is your first daughter, and you're not real at all. Well, you are, but not on Earth. You're dreaming, and there is someone preventing you from leaving the bed. The hospital room door opens and a slim figure in a black dress enters with a cup in her hands.


"What are you doing here?" you ask and relax in your bed.

"I'm always here," she chuckles and closes the door.

"You know, I can deal with the fact that you're here, always telling me what a good person you are. I can deal with you visiting me in my dreams, but what I can't handle is you being here when I am this close to giving birth to my daughter. Please, go away this time and leave me alone. You don't get to take this away from me."

"I am not here to take anything from you."

"Then what could you possibly be here for?"

"I am here to give you a warning if you will. A caution that you should always think about starting from the moment she is born."

"What are you talking about? What warning? Is she okay?" you panic.

"Yes, she is doing quite well," she smiles and sits down on the nearest chair. "Once she is born, that means there will be two vessels I can draw power from. I won't touch her or even think about using her, but this warning is for you."

She takes a sip of whatever is in her cup, and you know she is only taking this pause to create unnecessary drama. She looks pleased with the taste of it but continues.

"Whether she has her powers or not, you are able to draw from her and use her to become stronger. I am telling you this because with that much power comes with much more responsibilities."

Supernatural Series Rewrite- Season 6Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora