Mommy Dearest: Final Part

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You leave your spot to rush back over to them, gasping softly when you see two young kids inside the holding cells with ties around their wrists and gags over their mouths. You enter the holding cell just as Sam and Dean remove their binds and gags.

"You're Dr. Silver's boys?" Sam asks, and they both nod. "Alright, don't worry. We're going to get you out of here. Keys?"

"Here they are," you state and grab them once you find them.

You are the one to release them from their handcuffs, and the poor children look scared to death. You crouch down to be more on their level and smile up at them kindly.

"We're not going to hurt you, okay? My name is Y/N, and they are Sam and Dean. Listen, those cops are never coming back, okay? They won't be able to hurt you anymore. What are your names?"

"Joe. This is Ryan," the older brother says and motions to his younger one.

"Hey, Ryan. How are you doing?" you ask, but he doesn't say anything.

"He won't talk, not since they came for us," Joe sighs.

"Alright, listen Joe. You understand what's going on around here, don't you?" you ask, and he nods. "So, first we've gotta make sure you're you."

"How are you going to do that?"

"There are actually a few dozen tests, but I'll try my best not to hurt you, okay?"

You know exactly how to distract them while you do your work–your magic. You use your magic to shine and sparkle and create images and pictures as you do your tests, and it seems to work on them. You get through every test without a problem, and that's enough for you to dee them innocent and pure. Once finished, you bring them back into the main room where your dad and Castiel are. Apparently, they decide to give the Sheriff a break and stew by himself.

"Got a couple of hungry human boys here," Dean says as you all walk into the room.

"So, you two never heard them talk about a mother, or someone named Eve?" Sam asks the boys.

"It was just me and Ryan in there," Joe shakes his head.

"And your parents?" you wonder.

"Cops said we were next. He said we were food."

"Do you have any other family?"

"An uncle in Merritt."

"Isn't that fifteen miles outside of town? We'll get you there," you declare, and Dean nods in agreement.

"Dean, Y/N, may I have a word?" the angel asks, and you two walk off to the side with him "We need to find Eve now."

"Yeah. Go. Sam, Y/N, and I just gotta make a milk run."

"We need your help here."

"Castiel, chill. We'll be back in a few. We promise," you say.

"Dean, Y/N, millions of lives are at stake here, not just two. Stay focused."

"Are you joking right now? Castiel, they are children. Calm down. We can help both causes. What's the matter with you?" you scoff.

"There's a greater purpose here," he sighs.

"You know what, I'm getting a little sick and tired of the greater purposes, okay? I think what we'd like to do now is save a couple of kids... if you don't mind. We'll catch up," Dean puts his foot down.

"Okay guys, let's go," you say to the two little boys.

Castiel doesn't like this, but he can shove it up his ass. You leave with the two sets of brothers. You sit int he backseat with them to keep them company, but they seem to be dealing with this all on their own. It's better to be here with them instead of with Castiel and your dad because this is where the monsters aren't. You're much safer here than over there.

Supernatural Series Rewrite- Season 6Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon