Family Matters: Part Three

1.6K 39 10

Pairing: Eventual Dean x Reader

Word Count: 2k

Warnings: angst, canon violence


The vampires are hiding out in a house that's on the bottom of the hill you and the rest of the hunters are on. This is where Samuel stops and gets out along with everyone else. You're not sure if you want to go down there with being pregnant because these vamps are vicious, and you won't hesitate to put anyone else in front of you if that means protecting your child. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. You grip the machete in your hand tightly, bouncing it between both of your hands. You'd use your magic, but it can't decapitate.

"The house is just over the hill with about a dozen vamps and the alpha. We got one shot at this son of a bitch," Samuel explains once everyone is gathered.

"Christian, take flank. The rest of you are with me and Sam. Dean, Y/N, and Gwen, hang back and sweep any stragglers we flush out," he orders. Dean just rolls his eyes and sighs silently. "Problem, Dean?"

"No, sir."

You don't have a problem since it's safer out here than inside the house, but you don't comment on it.

"I'm in the rear with the rejects?" Gwen scoffs.

"Fuck you," you bite.

"Don't worry, okay? Everything is going to be fine. Let's go," Samuel leads his group down the hill.

Sam goes to follow but stops by you and Dean to say one last thing to you.

"Don't worry, it's fine," Sam whispers.

"No, nothing's fine. You're not fine. Go. Go," Dean sighs.

Sam does as he's told and leaves you and Dean alone with Gwen.

"Sorry about the 'reject' thing," Gwen apologizes and looks at you.

"Yeah, me too," you mutter.

"We've been called worse before," Dean shrugs.

"I just, uh, get sick of getting left behind. I think it's probably because I remind him of his daughter or something."

"Well, you just speak your mind."

"I'll take that as a compliment," she chuckles.

"You should," you nod.

There's a comfortable silence between the three of you until you hear branches snapping. Someone is coming towards you, and you can tell by the nature of the tension that it's someone bad. You take out your machete from its holster and take a few steps toward the noise. Dean walks ahead of you to check it out, but nothing is there.

It's quiet... too quiet.

Just then, a vampire appears behind Gwen and tackles her to the ground. You scream in shock and back away from the fight, wrapping your arms around your stomach. Dean pulls the vampire off Gwen, but the creature has the upper hand. Dean shoves the vampire into a nearby brick wall, but the vampire just tosses Dean to the ground. He's about to attack him when Gwen appears behind the vampire and slices his head off. You jump in shock, but stay away from it all.

"Thanks for nothing," she bites at you, but you just look down in guilt.

"Thanks," Dean breathes heavily and gets up.

The moment is short-lived because you hear gunshots come from the house down the hill. Without even thinking, you and Dean grab your machetes and run towards the sound, but Gwen stays exactly where she is.

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