My Heart Will Go On: Part Two

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When you and Sam got dropped off at the records office, Sam was eager to get inside and dig up whatever he could find. However, when he gets to the door, you grab his arm to stop him. If you truly want to figure out why you're having these bad thoughts and feelings, then you can't go inside with him.

"Hey, I think I'm going to wait out here. You got this right?"

"Yeah, of course," he chuckles.

He heads inside the office, and you head over to the nearest bench to relax while Sam does his thing. Everything around you is as it's always been, but why do you feel like it hasn't? Why did you think your mom was dead? Why would you ever wish that upon yourself? Why would you want Ellen dead? Why does the Mustang look so different to you? Why this day? There is only one person you can ask about this, and it seems like she was thinking of you as well because she's giving you a call.

"Mom?" you ask when you answer the phone.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you?"

She sounds so cheerful as if nothing bad has ever happened to her. She sounds perfectly fine, as if nothing came after her in the first place. You're getting a small headache with all these thoughts, but you push them aside to focus on her.

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Just checking up on you. I feel like we haven't seen each other in a long time," she laughs.

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"I have a surprise for you when you come over this weekend."

"A surprise? What surprise?"

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it? I'll give it to you after our magical spa day. I have so much planned for us. You'll forget you're even pregnant when I'm done with you."

"Magical? You're a witch?"

For some weird reason, you get the feeling that your mom isn't a witch. There is something inside of you telling you that she gave up her powers before you were even born. You're not sure how that's possible, but she found a way. But she's here, she has magic, and she's living proof that you're going crazy.

"Y/N, you work yourself too hard. Just tell Dean to bring you over around ten a.m. on Saturday. He can live a whole weekend without you."

"What are you—"

"I realize he broke up with you, but you offered to give him some space. He just couldn't handle Sam without a soul, and he didn't want to hurt you. I say you two should get back together, but who listens to me, right?"

No, that can't be right. Dean didn't break up with you, you broke up with him. You two didn't break up over Sam losing his soul. No, there is another reason. Well, at least, that's what you tell yourself. Why would you tell yourself something that didn't happen? What the hell is happening to you?

"Mom, I don't think that's right," you say.

"What's not right? Oh, wait, I have to go sweetie. Preston is here. We're going on a date. I love you."

Who the fuck is Preston? She isn't making any sense right now, and it's not like you can ask her about it because she just hung up on you. Something weird is going on, and you think it's about time to tell Sam and Dean about this. Speaking of Sam, he exits the record office with a determined face that tells you he got something.

"Sam, hey, I have to talk to you about something."

"Yeah, same. I got nothing on these guys."

"No, Sam, something is wrong. My mom called—"

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