Mommy Dearest: Part One

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If you're going to beat Eve, then you're going to have to know how to kill her. Apparently, through the words of Samuel Colt and based on several specific lores, Eve can only be injured by a Phoenix's ashes. It's been a month of non-stop searching for her, but you finally have a chance at getting her which is why you and Dean are making shotgun shells filled with Phoenix ash. It's a start, you'll give yourself that.

It's been a month, and you and Dean haven't been making any progress about where you two stand. You haven't told him about what happened between you and Lisa because it would only upset him more. He knows how much you don't like her, so it would only be adding salt and lemon juice onto that wound. Your due date is approaching, and you still have so much left to figure out.

It doesn't seem real that in about a month and a half, you're going to be holding your baby girl in your arms. Just thinking about her brings a smile to your face, and she senses it. She's in a position where her feet are toward your heart and her head is down toward your vagina. She kicks, and that sends a sharp pain to stem from the place she kicked on. You gasp in pain and drop whatever you're holding as it goes all over you.

The ashes litter your arm, but you're too busy focusing on the pain your daughter caused to recognize that the ash had gotten onto your skin.

"Dean, I got some on me," you reveal and show him your arm.

"Shit–wait, why isn't it hurting?" he asks and scooches over to you. He takes a rag and wipes the ashes from your skin, but he pauses to touch it with his finger. Nothing happens. "It doesn't hurt?"

"No, does it hurt you?" you ask.


"That's not at all concerning. This is supposed to burn and/or kill Eve?" you sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Dean, it's just ash."

"I'm not talking about that. Is she causing trouble for you? Like serious trouble?"

"No, she was just kicking. She does that in the morning. She hates that I get to sleep in, so if she's up, I'm up. So, the sooner she gets here, the better if I'm being honest. By the way, if we can kill Eve before she comes, that would take a load of stress off my shoulders. I'm just saying," you half-chuckle.

"Your due date is approaching quickly. Those seven months went by really fast."

"Yeah, they did."

You want to say something more about the two of you, but you're not sure what you'd say. Well, that's a lie, you know exactly what you'd say, but it's not fair you'd be the one to say it. Dean is looking like a father and boyfriend material now more than ever, but until he can prove to you that you're the only one for him, you just can't go down that road. Look how fast and easy he made it to leave you and go to Lisa? The only solution is to have Lisa be gone and out of the picture, but you're not so sure that is going to happen anytime soon.

"Hey, how are you two doing?" Sam asks when he and your dad walks into the basement from above.

"Five shells. That's how we're doing," Dean groans.

"Well, you know, it's a hell of a lot more than what we had a few weeks ago," you state.


"Meaning what?" your dad asks.

"Meaning Y/N just had herself a little mishap a few minutes ago, and, uh, well, here, look."

Dean rubs some of the excess ash onto his arm to show it does nothing to harm him.

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